With all the hubbub (and probably correctly so) about finding the potential murderer of Jonbennet Ramsey, this story is a bit under the radar.
Here's the deal: A gal of Pakistani origin (thus probably a Mohammedan) is caught by the bomb sniffers having the residue of liquid or gel that tested positive for explosive capability. The Mohammedan gal had a one way ticket from West Virginia to Michiganistan (as Plus Ultra describes it).
Now let's recap: The Brits stopped an Islamofascist homegrown terrorist cell from commandeering and exploding liquid explosives on commercial flights leaving London. The order "to go" has been shown to have been given by al Qaeda Number Two - Ayman al-Zawahiri. Ten flights or so were to be destroyed with innocent lives on board.
Plus Ultra's by-line is "Ban Islam." Even for me that sounds a little rough. I am an American that believes in freedom of conscience. Nonetheless, ethnic profiling and intense scrutiny until the war is over is something that is in order.
I simply can't see Islam as having anything to do with conscience. In fact, it seems to justify conscienceless behavior on the part of its adherents. Slaughter infidel civilians? No problem! Alahu akbar!
Islam is a political phenomenon and should indeed be banned as the Nazis have been banned in Germany and the communists should have been everywhere in the West.
Col. B. Bunny may be very well correct: "Islam is a political phenomenon and should indeed be banned as the Nazis have been banned in Germany and the communists should have been everywhere in the West."
Being an American it is difficult to make this distinguishing thought about the death-cult Mohammedanism. It will be much easier to make the tough decisions concerning the Middle East if Mohammedanism is viewed as a political phenomenon.
Thanks Col. B. Bunny.
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