Saudi King Abdullah is visiting Turkey for consultations on the Middle East crisis. Publius Pundit calls this the “Ottoman Option.”
The Ottoman option? The reason this is astonishing as a political solution is that the Turks ruled Arabs for gosh - a thousand years (it’s a guess, but I bet I am not too far off). Ironically the hated West of Islamofascists threw off the Turkish yoke of rule at the end of WWI. Turkish Mohammedans and Arab Mohammedans have had little to do with each other since.
It is a sign of quiet desperation for the Saudi King to make a State visit to Turkey. No Arab ruler has gone to Turkey in FORTY years.
I believe the primary spark for this Sunni Mohammedan summit of mutual enemies are the Shi'ites of Iran; specifically the apocalyptic nature of the Iranian Ayatollahs and President Ahmadinejad. Could a meeting be taking place in which the Sunni ruling elites think about suppressing the Sunni extremists (Muslim Brotherhood, Wahhabis and et al) and confront Shi'ite extremism of Iran?
It is interesting the source links to this essay are primarily English speaking Mohammedan publications. I am curious. Are you?
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