I was reading an interesting speculation from Gary Lane of CWNews. The whole basis of his editorial is that the city Jerusalem might be the next center point of conflict with Israel and the Mohammedans of the Middle East.
Lane gives a brief history of how the last temple was destroyed by the Romans (ca. 72 AD) through the conquest of Jerusalem by Mohammedans in 637 AD. Lane tells us that the Mohammedan Dome of Rock was built on the Temple Mount shortly after that conquest.
Here is the speculation: Mohammedans claim that the Jewish Temples are a myth and never existed. Jews and Christians claim Mohammed’s spiritual journey on a winged horse from Jerusalem to the Mohammedan heaven is a myth. All faiths see Jerusalem and the Temple Mount as holy. For the Jews, it is where the Presence of God dwelt.
If one looks at the history of the conquests of Jerusalem (which encompasses thousands of years of history), one will see that the spoils of conquest always went to the victor. David took the city from the Jebusites and his son Solomon built the Temple on the site in which Abraham’s obedience was tested with his son of Promise – Isaac.
The Jews lost their city to Babylonians, Greeks (Alexander the Great and the General that succeeded to rule Syria), Romans and Mohammedans. In each incident of loss the Jews have always regained the city of David. Now what is mystifying to me is that when Jewish Israel regained full control of Jerusalem in 1967, they did not do what previous conquerors had done to them. The Israeli government allowed the Mohammedans to control the Temple Mount. That was a mistake!
Israel clearly repelled an invading Jordanian army and recaptured their most holy site. The only magnanimity that should have been extended is to allow the Mohammedans to worship in their mosques. The authority of the Temple Mount should have turned over to Jewish religious authorities immediately. To the victor go the spoils.
Now the issue of the Temple Mount is a festering issue giving the Mohammedans foot in the door to regain part of Jerusalem via ludicrous Left thinking Western pressure. If Israel had solidified their claim in 1967, it would have been more difficult for Mohammedans to scream of a right of return to Jerusalem.
In the mean time, the Mohammedan Waqf that operates the Temple Mount has been purposely destroying archaeological evidence to eliminate proof of the existence of the Jewish Temple of history. That is evil!
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