Richard Perle is part of a growing opinion that Mohammedanism needs to be better scrutinized by Western authorities. It is a religion of violence and not peace. I am certain that there are moderates among the increasing death-oriented cult of Mohammed, however if they follow their Quran, Hadiths or Sharia the religion will always lead toward violence. It is a faith that is severely intolerant. It is a faith that treats their intolerance as Christians practiced intolerance in the Dark and Middle Ages. Somewhere along the line of history Mohammedanism missed the Liberty of Conscience boat.
As a Westerner and an American I grow weary of Mohammedan intolerance. In order to protect Liberty it is time to be intolerant of extending Liberty to those that wish force their religion on the West. It is time to be intolerant of the religion that would play victim and use the Laws and Liberty of the West to exploit and impose themselves on the West.
It may be "Politically Incorrect," but it may be time for a twenty-first Century Crusade.
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