Islamofascist terrorists originating from the United Kingdom have been thwarted in a heinous conspiracy to utilize homicidal suicide bombers on commercial flights. Their plan was to assemble explosive devices from some sort of disguised chemical compounds and explode themselves on various flights from the UK to the USA.
According to the Fox News report I watched, many of these Mohammedan terrorists are of next generation Pakistani and Indian descent Brits. This is a demonstration that all concepts of what is "politically correct" must be tossed out when it relates to Mohammedanism. The safety of Western Society should force authorities to utilize "profiling" to protect law abiding citizens. Islamofascists that wish to impose Mohammedan Sharia Law is something that cannot be allowed. Sharia and Western concepts of Liberty and Rights are like oil and water, they can never mix. One must over come the other. I for one choose the West.
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