I myself tend toward Neocon thinking. If America is to survive this dirty little global war conducted under a new paradigm, it will be Neocon thinking that will win the day.
Current ruling elites and power brokers are stuck in conducting a war as if it is a Nation state VS another Nation state. It is Neocon thinking that perceives through the dark cloud of Islamofascism that the new war paradigm is as more cultural/societal pride VS a totally opposite cultural/societal set of values.
One side perceives life in terms of evolving Democracy (with the continuous ebb and flow Liberal and Conservative domination), the other side perceives life terms religion integrated into the political Community in what the West would consider medieval thinking.
The first is striving to base life on tolerance the later is striving to base life on a communal Sharia Law that is archaic to the 21 Century.
The West is tolerant but it will not tolerate backward steps to medieval thinking as a way of Community life. The only way for there not to be a bloody confrontation between Mohammedanism and Western Culture is for the Mohammedans to transform their theology. Lacking that occurrence, the West will need to fall back on a varied concept of Imperialism to force the conquered to change.
Let the world hope that Mohammedans transform for the otherwise the blood of human lives will be a very unpleasant prospect.
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