I have read much from dissatisfied Israelis and American supporters of Israel. The unified conclusion of many is that Olmert screwed up. A majority suggest that Olmert's government will topple and be replaced by a more right wing Israeli Prime Minister. If that were to happen, the logical choice (though not necessarily popular choice) is Netanyahu.
It has been several days I have not read of any action taken by power brokers within the Knesset to topple Olmert. I find this a little surprising. When Olmert's predecessor Ariel Sharon began engaging his "Disengagement" plan, there was all kind of talk of toppling his government. That is what led to the Kadima Party. Sharon simply created a Party that would not give him trouble and would tow his line.
Then the disabling life threatening stroke happened to Sharon and Olmert (a lesser man) took over the reigns of the Kadima Party and the Israeli government.
I am a little surprised a coalition of political enemies has not been formed to give Olmert the boot.
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