How can Russia provide weapons to our enemies and whine about the illegality of sanctions? It is illegal by whose law? Of course Russia would say it is illegal, arms trading is a major business venture for their economy. I sincerely doubt it is illegal by American Law. That is the point! Russia has breached the "Iran Nonproliferation Act of 2000." Russia has sold components that Iran could utilize to create WMD.
Russia should consider itself lucky that the sanctions were only imposed on two Russian defense enterprises. Frankly, America should consider an expansion of sanctions. It is obvious that Russia is involved in Iran's nuclear program. AND it is obvious that Iran nuclear ambitions reach beyond the claims of the civilian sector. That comes oh so close to Russia becoming an ally of our enemy. That would make Russia our what? Yes, that would make Russia our enemy.
Currently the reality of geopolitics is cloak and dagger and back room deals. As long as America is convinced that Russia has not gone over totally to the dark side of geopolitics, I doubt America's anger will expand politically toward Russia.
I'm including your comments in this post in one I'm doing for tomorrow. I will try to send you a 'link' but TypePad is having problems and doesn't want to sent Blogger links for some reason. Perhaps they will get the problem fixed.
Nice blog.
Thanks Debbie. You are more than welcome to blog anything you find relevant here.
Iran, fanaticism, and human rights
I see that TypePad did not send you a link, so here it is.
Great blog.
Thanks for the link.
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