Robert Spencer of Jihadwatch.org says this about Awad and CAIR:
I don't use such terms myself, but here again Awad is playing the old deflection game. He completely ignores the many acts of violence and intimidation that Muslims have committed in the name of Islam in order to draw the sobriquet "Islamofascists," and acts as if it is a gratuitous association by the President. Similarly, jihad terrorists, as we have documented at Jihad Watch ad infinitum, routinely ignore their own aggressive acts and act as if any response to them is an unprovoked attack.
I am sorry if this offends any so-called moderate Mohammedan, however it is a fact that much of the money that comes in from foreign interests that benefit mosques and organizations such as CAIR come from Islamofascist creepo fanatics. If Mohammedans cannot respect the nation that enjoys Western values, then they should go back to their repressive Sharia Law dominated lands.
True Americans need to remember 9/11! Planes were used then as well.
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