However I did find it a bit interesting that Time Magazine has buried in its pages that the first woman President of the United States will be a Republican. What is more fascinating is the person quoted as saying so: former President William Jefferson Clinton.
Let's see. Who would Slick have in mind? Elizabeth Dole has been a favorite and is a current Senator from North Carolina. But I don't think so; her age star has diminished long ago.
Oh yes, the most visible Republican woman is Condoleezza Rice.
I have to bet old Hillary has to be asking, "Can you think of me before another woman?"
Here is another astonishing tidbit: Condi in an unofficial pew poll ranks third among Republicans.
1. John McCain - 26%.
2. Rudy Giuliani - 24%.
3. Condi - 18%.
Also rans with significantly infinitesimal numbers: Newt Gingrich, Virginia Senator George Allen, Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney and Tennessee senator Bill Frist.
So there is some popularity among Republicans for Condi. I think Condi would better serve the Republicans and the nation as a Vice President (i.e. President in training). Who ever won the nomination (assuming it was not Condi), she would bring huge strength to the Republican ticket.
As a real conservative, the last thing I want as president is a coon. It is an insult to Western Civilization.
Well I can see why this comment was posted anonymously.
This conservative racist is obviously not part of the 18% of Republicans that would vote for Condi.
My guess is if he was a Republican voter his favorite is among the "also rans." Like Confederate nostalgia man Senator George Allen whose "macaca" public statement probably derailed any hope of his nomination.
I wonder if there are any Liberal racists out there? Oh yeah, CAIR and ACLU are anti-Christian. Too bad that there is an element among conservatives that can be pigeon holed as racists. It give us a bad name. It is kind of like the oxymoron of one who claims to be a Christian and a White Supremacist.
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