I just visited an interesting slanted right blog called "Right Mind." The reason this caught my eye is I am from the Pacific Northwest. In my college days my High School buddy went to WSU (located in Pullman, WA) and I went to EWU (located in Cheney, WA). Weekends were occasional get together times that hormone driven young men participate in their search for gals and parties (Days that are long gone for this old Conservative). Pullman's sister city across the Washington/Idaho border is Moscow, ID. Lewiston, ID is not far away. All of it is Pacific Northwest beauty, only on the east side (as Washingtonians would call it).
I was gratified to read that the local rag produced an awesome editorial, courtesy of Right Mind:
The following ran in today's Lewiston Tribune (subscription required). It’s Michael Costello at his best.The so-called war on terrorism is a silly misnomer. We are fighting Islamic fascism, and almost every Islamic nation on earth serves an incubator for these terrorists. In fact, the nation needn't be Islamic. It only needs to harbor a significant Islamic community.
The terrorists who attempted to blow up planes departing from Heathrow to the United States were native-born British citizens who grew up in Islamic neighborhoods. A recent poll of British Muslims found that about 6 percent supported suicide attacks such as those plotted for last week.
Another fraction amounting to about 500,000 total citizens favored extermination of Jews. All this is brewing in the country that is our most stalwart ally.
We don't seem to have nearly so obvious a tumor as that threatening us here. Instead, our greatest peril derives from those whose hatred of George Bush blinds them to the genuine peril that we face.
They are so ideologically blind that when Bush described our enemy as Islamic fascism, at least two prominent Democrats criticized Bush for fanning fear to gain political advantage.
From the Crusades to the Spanish Inquisition, one can easily recount historical events when rogues calling themselves Christians have evoked Christ's name to justify horrific crimes that Christ most certainly would not have condoned.
But Muhammad himself committed ghastly crimes in his own name to advance his religion. [DMC: As I’ve said previously, Muslims have warrant from the Koran for their actions; Christians did not.] The beheadings that terrorists commit, videotape and post on their Web sites today are entirely consistent with the teaching and practices of Muhammad.
In 627, Muhammad led the attack, siege and ultimate conquest of Medina's last Jewish tribe, the Qurayza. His army's victory left him with thousands of prisoners. After consultations with Allah, Muhammad ordered his troops to lop off the heads of the city's 600 to 900 surviving men.
The prettiest girls were distributed among Muhammad and his lieutenants as concubines, and the rest of the women and the children were sold into slavery. [DMC: Remember what I said previously about “warrant”.]
This incident, and others like it, are referenced by radical Islamic scholars when they attempt to reconcile seemingly contradictory passages in the Quran. One may easily find suras where Muhammad counsels his followers to practice peace and tolerance toward unbelievers and others where he exhorts his flock to kill the infidel where he stands.
When confronted with these dilemmas, scholars give greater weight to words spoken by Muhammad later in his life and also compare his words to his deeds. The fiery, violent brand of Islam we have become too familiar with wins both of these tie-breakers.
Truly Costello at his politically incorrect (and right-minded) best.
Good post Right Mind!
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