Okay I realize this post might be a little dated, however readers need to be made aware that Mohammedans in America are attempting to set apart the Law of the Land.
The Politically Correct are so concerned about Islamophobic Americans that they are willing to allow Mohammedans to enjoy their intolerant beliefs at the expense of non-Mohammedans. This issue has arisen in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) in which Mohammedan cab drivers refuse service to airport patrons that might violate their beliefs. Apparently a significant amount of cab drivers in the area are Mohammedan.
To uphold the ability of Mohammedans to discriminate against patrons that carry items that are legal is to allow a precedent of Mohammedan Sharia Law to be Superior to American Constitutional Law. This cannot happen!
The Politically Correct are so concerned about Islamophobic Americans that they are willing to allow Mohammedans to enjoy their intolerant beliefs at the expense of non-Mohammedans. This issue has arisen in the Twin Cities (Minnesota) in which Mohammedan cab drivers refuse service to airport patrons that might violate their beliefs. Apparently a significant amount of cab drivers in the area are Mohammedan.
To uphold the ability of Mohammedans to discriminate against patrons that carry items that are legal is to allow a precedent of Mohammedan Sharia Law to be Superior to American Constitutional Law. This cannot happen!
Help Prevent Shari'a at Twin Cities Airport
Date: 2/22/2007 at 6:42:07 pm
We’ve had several posts about the Muslim cab drivers at Minneapolis-St. Paul Airport, and their refusal to accept passengers carrying alcohol and blind people with guide dogs, at the urging of the Muslim Brotherhood front group calling itself the Muslim American Society. Daniel Pipes sent out an email to his list on this subject, because the Metropolitan Airports Commission is inviting the public’s input on the matter. The public hearing notice for the Airports Commission is here: Taxicab Ordinance #102: Public Hearing Notice.
And here’s Daniel Pipes’ email on the subject: More on Those Alcohol-shy Minnesota Taxi Drivers
Dear Reader:
A further decision is due in the controversy over taxi drivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport who refuse to transport passengers visibly carrying alcohol. The Metropolitan Airports Commission, which has jurisdiction over the drivers, invites the public’s opinion; and I urge your involvement.
MAC has sent a notice (which I have posted in full on my website) that recounts developments since its decision in October 2006 to deny requests by drivers to distinguish between Shar’i-compliant and –noncompliant taxis. MAC writes:
For the past several months, the Metropolitan Airports Commission has worked with airport taxi industry representatives and with leaders from the Muslim American Society and the Somali Justice Advocacy League. The goal was to find a solution acceptable to everyone and transparent to the customer seeking airport taxi service. Unfortunately, those discussions have not resulted in a workable, voluntary, consensus-based solution. As a result, the Airports Commission is proposing stricter penalties for refusal of service: a 30-day suspension of a driver’s airport taxi license for the first instance, and license revocation for a second instance.
Bravo to MAC. It is important that the drivers be sent a strong signal that they must obey the regulations. Were they allowed to boycott travelers with alcohol, I pointed out in “Don’t Bring That Booze into My Taxi,” that would intrude Islamic law “into a mundane commercial transaction in Minnesota” and could lead to the transport system as a whole being divided “between those Islamically observant and those not so.”
I appealed to readers in October to urge MAC to impose penalties on those who insist on imposing Shar’i norms in Minnesota and to send a message that this practice is unacceptable. The barrage of e-mails and phone calls had the hoped-for effect. According to airport spokesman Patrick Hogan back then, “we’ve heard from Australia and England. It’s really touched a nerve among a lot of people. The backlash, frankly, has been overwhelming. People are overwhelmingly against any kind of cultural accommodation.”
Again now, I appeal to all those opposed to application of the Shari’a in the United States to make their views heard in Minnesota. You can do this in either of two ways.
In writing: MAC is asking for “input from the public” through Friday, March 2, 2007, before it makes a decision on the proposed increase in penalties. Written comments should be addressed to:
Landside Operations DepartmentMetropolitan Airports CommissionMSP International Airport/Lindbergh Terminal4300 Glumack DriveSuite LT-3129BSaint Paul, MN 55111-3010.
In person: For those living in the Twin Cities area, MAC will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, February 27, 2007, at 2 p.m., to solicit testimony from the public via verbal or written testimony. The location will be at:
Ramada Mall of America (formerly, the Thunderbird Hotel)2300 East American BoulevardBloomington, Minnesota
I thank you in advance.
Yours sincerely,Daniel Pipes
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