I received this as an email from MoveAmericaForward.org. It is a pro-American soldier non-profit organization as opposed to Lefties, Appeasers, Cowards and Democrats in general. The email had photos to drive their point home, you will to go to the MoveAmericaForward.org website to view those. I am just providing a promotional forum that I hugely agree with.
An American Betrayal
Sent: Wed 2/7/2007 7:01 PM
Sent: Wed 2/7/2007 7:01 PM
* Please read and pass on to your friends *
Right now we have almost 150,000 U.S. Troops serving in Iraq. They are doing an honorable job in the face of great danger, and also in the face of constant criticism from some people back home.
It comes down to this: we are in a pitched battle of ideas in this country, and on the WRONG side are these people, who keep trying to undermine support for our troops & their missions:
Think about how demoralizing it is for our military men & women serving halfway around the world to see on the news that their own fellow countrymen working to thwart their efforts in the war on terrorism. The most extreme contingent of the anti-war camp are even burning U.S. flags at anti-war rallies and displaying signs like these:
It's up to every patriotic American who has had enough with the negativity and constant criticism from the anti-war crowd to stand up and fight back. Our troops deserve better than what they are getting from this nation right now. They deserve our unqualified SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT.
The anti-war movement is launching a $7-10 MILLION advertising and PR campaign to get U.S. troops to pull out of Iraq in retreat - a move that would essentially mean surrender by the United States in the war on terrorism.
You know we can't let this side win the debate. You know it in your heart that it's up to each of us to unite and take action to fight back.
Move America Forward, the largest pro-troop grassroots group in the nation, is leading the pro-troop effort to fight back against the anti-war lobby. If they are to have any hope of raising $7-10 million to match the anti-war side then we will need several thousand Americans to make a generous contribution (it's tax-deductible!) to this cause.
Contribute any amount you can afford. $5, $50, $100, $500, $5,000 - you can make your contribution online right now at:
You can also monitor the progress of this effort online and see how many people are answering the call here:
If you prefer to mail in a contribution via U.S. mail, that's OK to. Send it to the Move America Forward headquarters:
Move America Forward
ATTN: No Surrender Campaign
P.O. Box 1497 Sacramento, CA 95812
Help get this message heard throughout the nation. After you make a contribution, please send this note on to other people via email.
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