Thursday, June 08, 2006

The [Palestinian-Arab] Prisoners' Peace Plan

The [Palestinian-Arab] Prisoners' "Peace" Plan
Know Thyself Blog

This "Prison Document" is not good for Israel. It is a point of contention within Palestinian-Arab power elites because of the alleged semantics of allowing for the existence of an Israeli State. Of course the Western Media has picked on this issue as a liberal delusion that a two state solution is actually forthcoming.

Even if Abbas manages to impose a referendum which passes to support an Israeli existence based on the "Prison Documents," it will be something a sovereign state can easily repudiate. The alleged connection linking Israeli acceptance and Palestinian Statehood simply is not explicit in these documents.

Basically what is a going now is an inner power struggle between Palestinian-Arab power elites. It is brinksmanship employing political poker.

Honest Reporting is the source pointing out the duplicity of the "Prison Document" (also known as the National Accord Document) composed by high profile Palestinian-Arab Islamofascist terrorist incarcerated in Israel.

Honest Reporting reports that the "Prison Document" offers nothing for Israel:

"WHAT THE PLAN SAYS However, the actual plan is quite different. The State of Israel is never even mentioned. While the first point refers to lands Israel occupied in 1967, it does not claim that these will be the territorial limits of a Palestinian state".

Honest Reporting goes on to warn:

Don't let your local media whitewash this "plan." Let them know that you expect them to report what the plan actually says and who wrote it, not what some believe might be "implied."

It is all smoke and mirrors with these guys. Abbas wants to form a sovereign State and then plan Israel's demise. The PA Prime Minister representing Hamas (Ismail Haniya) simply want to plan Israel's demise whether Statehood is acheived now or later.

To read a politically centrist view on Hamas' situation, go to CFR's Hamas' Tight Spot. Keep in mind Honest Reporting's exposition of the true nature of the true nature of the "Prison Document" as you read CFR.

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