Sunday, June 11, 2006

Future of the Internet

Big media corporations have been lobbying Congress to charge for Internet usage much like cable and Satellite companies do now viewing. This means the bigger the bucks the better the connection in Internet terms. This would seriously hamper access to Internet users. Currently it is only an issue of Dial-up and Broadband. Now even Broadband may be relegated to speeds determined to how much a user wishes to pay. This is horrendous!

Go to to find out what to do!

Marginal Revolution summarizes some good points in what he terms as part two of "Network Neutrality." At issue is market pricing and egalitarianism of the Internet. Normally I would fall on the side of market pricing, however who owns the Internet? Nobody! That which is owned is access to the Internet; ergo I am for egalitarianism of Internet usage instead of price exploitation that would be involved by Gate Keepers.

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