Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Million Spanish Say NO to Appeasement

The streets of Madrid were flooded with Spanish protestors recently. The protest: Leftist Prime Minister Zapatero had decided to negotiate with Spanish terrorists ETA. This is significant because Appeasement minded voters threw out the Conservative government of Prime Minister Jose Maria Aznar blaming the Conservatives for the death of 200 Madrid citizens in an Islamofascist terrorist attack.

The thing that is noticable is that there was nearly ZERO MSM coverage. There was no front page news or major news network coverage of the protest. Speculation is because the million protestors were protesting an anti-war Prime Minister in Zapatero who also is a Leftist.

I was greatly disappointed in Spanish voters when they chose "Appeasement" in electing Zapatero over Aznar. Apparently the tide is turning in Spain once again.

Hat tip to LGF and Publius Pundit (PP is where massive photos can be found of the protestors).

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