Sunday, June 11, 2006

Internal Multiculturalism Wreaks Havoc on Culture

QandO Blog writes:

Apparently more and more Candians are awakening to the bankruptcy of multiculturalism and the debilitating strictures imposed by political correctness in the war against terrorists.
This is of course a reference to the Canadian Mohammedans that were prevented from executing a number of schemes inspired by al Qaeda and Wahhabi essays sent by Saudi Arabia. This case of Canada which has incouraged multi-culturalism for sometime, is a case in which second and third generation Mohammedan Canadians chose loyalty to the Mohammedan culture over Queen and Country.

America should wake-up to this as well. The publicity in America is of Mohammedan immigrants coming to America (to perhaps attend flight school), then fomenting Islamofascist hatred on their host nation. Americans do not realize that there are many communities (we would have called them communes in the 60's) which are purely Mohammedan.

Far more potentially perilous, does it matter to Jews — and for American support for Israel when the Jewish State arguably faces existential peril — that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States? That undoubtedly at some point in the next 20 years Muslims will outnumber Jews, and that Muslims with an "Islamic agenda" are growing active politically through a widespread network of national organizations? That this is occurring at a time when the religion of Islam is being supplanted in many of the Islamic immigrant sending countries by the totalitarian ideology of Islamism of which vehement anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism form central tenets? Will our status suffer when the Judeo-Christian cultural construct yields, first, to a Judeo-Christian-Muslim one, and then to an even more expansive sense of national religious identity?

It must be added that reliable data on the precise number of Muslims currently living in the United States is extremely difficult to come by. For reasons that appear simultaneously self-evident and self-serving, spokespersons from the organized Muslim community regularly cite the figure of six million Muslims. The number is chosen because it constitutes both a form of demographic riposte to the hated figure of the six million Jewish victims of Nazism that Muslims believe confers vast moral and political advantages on Jews and, secondly, it allows Muslims to claim they have already achieved numerical parity with American Jews. But many demographers and public opinion survey specialists find this figure specious, and place the number far lower. (Center For Immigration Studies)

The above excerpt was in written in 2001. Imagine how much more Mohammedan communities have become radicalized now in 2006.

Muliticulturalism currently is and will become the bane of homogeneous cultures. Is this jingoistic or nationalistic thinking? Certainly many on the left may think so, however when push comes to shove Islamofascists will be ever increasingly violent. Particularly this is the case when Wahhabi style Mohammedan hate is the primary teaching of Mohammedans in North America.

It was very fortunate for Canada to prevent a tragedy. Without instituting assimilation it will be a constant repetition of attempting to prevent violent tragedies from occuring in Canada and the USA.

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