Friday, June 02, 2006

Diversity or Perversity

Dr. Michael L. Brown of the Coalition of Conscience questions the position of “gay rights” as a path toward diversity. He has submitted an opinion to Christian Newswire that alludes rights for homosexuals is more akin to perversity.

Moral depravity is the true essence of so-called "diversity." As homosexuals and trans-sex nuts march in international "gay pride" parades, displays of moral depravity are made public that might even make a New Orleans Mardi Gras parade blush (or maybe not). Homosexual rights are merely a call for individuals to normalize that which is debased in society.
Medical and Psychiatric associations have given the depraved ammunition by validating these counter-culture depraved individuals and organizations. This validation has occurred even though (as of 2004 studies) there is no proof that homosexual tendencies are genetically biological. Evidently Science is taking a normalization stand RELATIVE to numbers of professed homosexuals; ergo sexual orientation (i.e. choices of physical attraction by gender) is not a mental disorder.

Secular Humanism measure ethics and morality based on the view of evolving cultural mores, not Biblical or religious standards. Secular Humanism (in which a huge amount of scientific and philosophical community gravitates) increasingly and actively portrays faith as an anachronism that is counter to what is relative to the common good of an objective society. In essence people of faith are becoming excluded from practicing Godly morality by the minority intelligentsia elite of the Western world. The depraved of the world receive validation while those endeavoring to practice a godly path are discredited as valueless.

This is a perversion of any goodness that is in a concept of "diversity." This is wrong.

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