Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hamas Threatens Israel with the Chemical Weapons

Check this out from Israpundit:
by Omri Ceren
The first Muslim entity to strike Israel with unconventional weapons might not be the nation-state of Iran after all:
Hamas threatened to strike at IDF forces with chemical weapons if Israeli forces entered the Gaza Strip in pursuit of kidnapped soldier Cpl. Gilad Shalit, according to a Channel 2 report. The Security Cabinet convened an emergency session Sunday night to discuss an Israeli response to Shalit’s kidnapping in a Palestinian attack on an army post bordering southern Gaza in the early morning hours.

Presumably, they amassed these chemical weapons during the last few months that the international press kept reporting on their impending “moderation” (lots of moderates amass chemical weapons - haven’t you heard?) At this point, we’d post links to the LA Times, New York Times, and State Department sophisticates who have been droning endlessly about how Hamas can be talked into not being unrepentant terrorists (or, frankly, to Jimmy Carter’s idiocy). But it wouldn’t do any good - it’s not like the Palestinian public hasn’t been more or less steadfast in its rejectionism for the last decade and a half. And it’s not like opinion makers in the West haven’t been willing to shut their eyes and pretend otherwise.
The endless insistence that Israel is the roadblock to peace in the Middle East has never been grounded in any rational analysis. It’s fair to ask what it is grounded in.

So where did Hamas accumalate chemical WMD? Let's see ... Iraq seems to have some missing WMD. Iran might be a mystical supplier of chemical WMD.

It is all irrelevant of course, Hamas is a representative of The Religion of peace.

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