Saturday, June 24, 2006

Did the New York Times Cross the Line Between a Free Press and Treason?

The New York Times reasoning for publicizing operations that compromise the national security in the War on Terrorism:
"The New York Times stood by its coverage saying editors had judged after careful deliberations that releasing the information served the public's interest."

Whose public interest was served? It was not in the interest of the public to have their security compromised. Hmm... I guess the public interest the Times was thinking of are Islamofascists with the intent of harming America and its non-Mohammedan citizens. Thank you NY Times for thinking of my protection and safety in providing intelligence to America's enemies. Maybe the next terrorist attack attempt will exempt the NY Times property, holding and employees for their efforts.

I think it is time for the US government and the Bush Administration to begin prosecution of treasonous acts of media leaks to an irresponsible MSM. If America is truly at war, then there are just some things that are not business as usual. Leaking disruptive information that benefits American enemies is something that cannot be tolerated.

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