Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Mohammedan Mercy Only For Mohammedans

I was reading Debbie Schlussel today. I was reading her post about Eid Al-Fitr, the ending part of Mohammedan ritual of Ramadan. Schlussel was making the point how this Mohammedan holy day affected American culture in Michigan where Mohammedanism has developed a stronghold of adherents.

Toward the end of her post she writes how the Indonesian government has
released two Mohammedan terrorists involved in the bombing in Bali. The reason this caught my attention is because this same Indonesian government recently executed two Indonesian Christians.

The crime of the Christians: while being attacked by Mohammedan mobs, they killed some of them in self-defense. They were given a rubber stamp trial in which redeeming evidence was not allowed to be presented. Previous magistrates involved had actually stalled their execution due to other governments and pleas to their embassies to halt the execution.

This did not bode well with the magistrates superiors. The magistrates were simply replaced with bureaucrats prepared to march to the tune of the central government Indonesian elites. Shortly, the Christians were executed.

I am incensed by the leeway Western governments provide this one-sided mercy for Mohammedans and execution of non-Mohammedans. This not only happens in Indonesia of course. The entire Middle East is given a pass and Western governments go out of their way to not make public Mohammedan hatred of Western culture in the very West Mohammedans have adopted as home.

It is almost like Western governments so happy to suppress Christianity as a Church/State issue mindlessly accommodates Mohammedan intrusions in the same Church/State issues. It is ridiculous and heinous.

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