Sunday, October 01, 2006

Double Standards

The double standards employed by Mohammedans VS Jews, Christians and Western culture have become horrendous. Petra Marquardt-Bigman has written an excellent editorial relating to the pervasive hypocrisy that exists by Mohammedans and the blind Liberals (who staunchly support "Political Correctness) to the detriment of Jews, Christians and Western Culture in general.

Petra Marquardt-Bigman employs the language of "what ifs" to drive home the point the hypocrisy of double standards. The first "what if" is: What if Israel publicly resolved that Iran should be wiped off the map? How would the MSM and secular humanized EU and left wing pundits react to such an Israeli proclamation. Would the U.N. invite the Israeli Prime Minister to speak at the General Assembly to expound on how Iran's lack of existence would benefit world peace?

You and I both know and realize the world react in such a way that Israel should be severely censured and possibly invaded to change the form of government. It is all hypocrisy!

Be sure to
read ALL of Petra Marquardt-Bigman's editorial.

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