Friday, October 27, 2006

The Hezbollah Plan

When Israel invaded Lebanon to defend itself from Hezbollah, the Mainstream Media (MSM) was all about condemning Israel for the civilian casualties in Lebanon. It has now been verified that Hezbollah intentionally had an atrocious strategy to maximize Israeli civilian causalities. It was obvious Hezbollah was doing this while the confrontation was occurring; however now the paper trail exists that convicts Hezbollah of this strategy.

This is the introduction from
The Plebeian Blog. Plebius posts from the Washington Times on how Hezbollah purposefully and with intent developed a combative strategy to murder the innocent of Israel.

Will the MSM report this paper trail of Mohammedan Islamofascists? I sincerely doubt that will be the case. The MSM blatantly supports murderous Mohammedans to the detriment of the only Western style democracy in the Middle East. Could there be a tinge of anti-Semitism?

I would like to give the MSM the benefit of the doubt and at least think their anti-Semitic slanted reports are the unconscious delusion of secular humanist deception. The deception is buying into the Mohammedan propaganda that Israel is an occupying nation that is the cause of Middle East conflict. That is evil deception of mainstream Mohammedanism and radical alike.

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