Monday, October 02, 2006

Victory For Military Chaplains

Look at this: Congress has upheld the First Amendment before the Federal Judiciary has had a chance to weigh in. Military Chaplains cannot be restrained from praying "in the Name of Jesus" by Act of Congress.

Klingenschmitt was Court Marshaled for doing this very thing. Will the Navy reverse that conviction? Will some wise acre liberal agnostic for Klingenschmitt to go to the Supreme Court for a reversal of his Court Marshal?

I know that the ACLU and anti-Christians groups are now scheming as to have the Federal Judiciary to reverse an Act of Congress. If that happens, once again Liberal Left Wing Judges will have gone against the will of the people in a duly elected representative Congress.

It would not be the first the Judiciary has stepped in to make laws rather than adjudicate laws.

You can read previous posts at HERE and HERE and HERE.

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