Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Media Blacks Out Democratic Party Scandals

There are scandals galore occurring just before the November 2006 elections. If you only read the Mainstream Media (MSM) you would think all that is scandalous revolves around the Republican Party.

The fact of the matter is that the
Democrats have just as many scandals, many much more heinous than the Republican Party. The Democrats have House members that did more than send lurid emails to pages, they actually slept with them.

It is scandalous the emphasis the
MSM perpetrated in the Plamegate Scandal. There are zero indictments related directly about a government cover-up. The only indictment is based on Scooter Libby’s bad memory that Fitzgerald decided was a lie and thus perjury. If that ever gets to trial it will found NOT Guilty. Has the MSM covered the scandalous nature of the Democratic Party rail roading of Republican Staffers? UH NO!

The Plebeian has posted how the MSM has emphasized a Republican scandal in Ohio, but has reported ZERO on a Democratic Party scandal in Tennessee.

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