Monday, October 09, 2006

Haaretz: Hamas' fall is nearer

Danny Rubinstein writing for Haaretz believes that the Islamofascist murdering terrorist group Hamas is losing traction among its constituent Arab Palestinians. Although Ismail Haniyeh declares in public speeches - “Despair not,” the speech content is all about the world is against Hamas and that the Arab brothers are against Hamas.

Rubinstein reports that the choir that Haniyeh is singing to voted for a Hamas government for Palestinian Authority reform. Instead the choir is getting a dose of Iranian style Mohammedan roguishness.

As Abbas (Abu Mazen to some) travels the world appealing for aid and shoring up Palestinian media lies about Palestinian victimhood, Haniyeh is totally excluded.

This internecine strife will either lead to the collapse of Hamas in the Palestine Authority or lead to an outright civil war between Hamas and Abbas’ Fatah dominated Palestinian Liberation Organization of which Abbas the Chairman.

Rubinstein points out the road to this Arabic civil war may lead to Hamas begin extreme terrorist activities against Israel.

Let’s examine the scenario: Arab-Palestinian civil war, Hamas terrorism and Israeli retaliation. That will place Abbas in peculiar position as President of the PA and Chairman of the PLO. Abbas will have to battle Hamas for political survival and choose to denounce Israel or support Israel in retaliation to Hamas murder. That is a new scenario the Arab-Palestinian has not faced since King Hussein booted an Arafat led PLO out of Arab Jordan. The new element is Arab-Palestinian VS Arab-Palestinian VS Israel. A mix and match of political and military intrigue that could lead to global conflict as Iran’s client Hezbollah may get involved from the north of Israel in Southern Lebanon.

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