Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Mohammedan Dream: Global Caliphate

There is a fringe Mohammedan group known as Hizb Ut-Tahrir Al-Islami. The English translation is roughly the Islamic Liberation Party. I say fringe because the group is outlawed even in some European nations and many Mohammedan nations (of which some of those have had a radical Islamist history). And yet Hizb Ut-Tahrir Al-Islami had a convention of sorts in Ramallah, the heart of the Palestine Authority (PA). Indeed the Islamic Liberation Party is a formal member of the PA. That is something to think about: a group that has an ideology that it is outlawed even in some Mohammedan nations is a member of the autonomous ruling organization of Palestine-Arabs seeking an establishment of a sovereign nation (recently Hamas usurped PA governance in the Gaza Strip, hence sarcastically known as Hamastan).

What is so notable notorious about the Islamic Liberation Party that makes it newsworthy?

The Islamic Liberation Party vigorously is advocating a Caliphate in which all Mohammedans can rally behind not only for unity but also to spread Mohammedanism globally by “persuasion.” Persuasion means by force, like in the bad ol’ medieval days when Mohammedanism was spread by violent conquest often torturing the conquered to submit to the will of Allah or die. It is the same ideal of Islamofascist terrorists such as Usama bin Laden’s al-Qaeda and the Muslim Brotherhood. The first is an active terrorist organization the latter is a clandestine terrorist organization that supports other active terrorists such as Hamas.

The ideological tenets explain why many Mohammedan nations have outlawed the Islamic Liberation Party: Mohammedan despots want nothing to do with anything that threatens their personal control. Twenty-first century Arab/Mohammedan nationalism is less about the spread of Mohammedanism and more about keeping former European powers (i.e. former Colonial Powers) outside of the control of Mohammedan lands. Many of the Arab nations in existence today are because they had their borders arbitrarily carved out by departing Europeans. This was an effort for Europeans to control the economics more than rule the Mohammedan peoples. Arab nationalism eventually shook off the chains of European economic control. Thus Europeans (and now America and China) used arms peddling as a carrot to find good grace with the despots. The despots have kept their people impoverished utilizing the Mohammedan faith to invoke harsh obedience; therefore a kind of grass roots religious look to the past has gained more and more favor of
the glories of Mohammedan superiority complex of the past.

Clearly Mohammedanism is slowly but surely being overtaken by this kind Islamofascist thinking that the Islamic Liberation Party espouses.

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