Monday, August 27, 2007

Listen to David Barton

David Barton is an influential person in Evangelical circles in getting out the Christian view of American History. His mission is to energize Christians to reestablish a Christian political influence in America based on a history of “its constitutional, moral, and religious foundations.” The base of Barton’s mission in life is delivered through the organization known as Wall Builders.

The Wall Builders “about” page is huge in defining its purpose and goals. Here is the
Overview paragraph on the “about” page:

WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built-a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. In accord with what was so accurately stated by George Washington, we believe that "the propitious [favorable] smiles of heaven can never be expected on a nation which disregards the eternal rules of order and right which heaven itself has ordained."

Slanted Left critics of Barton disdain his credentials because his earned academic degree is a Bachelor Degree from a private Christian university – Oral Roberts University. The intimidated Left spew criticism indicating only a PhD can only be considered an expert. You know like the Professor (
no PhD) wacko Ward Churchill who has been academically discredited and fired.

Leftists hold plagiarist Churchill in high regard yet disdain Barton who backs his conclusions with documents. Indeed Leftist watch dog People for the American Way heap academic weakness on Barton citing Barton’s own website and Slanted Right organization as
resource proof of historical ineptitude yet not providing one iota of substantial citation to disprove Barton’s assertions. The fact is the Left revise history to punch a square peg into a round hole of secular humanistic relativism while the people like Barton back up history with documentation.

Now I have stated my reasons for validating David Barton to set up a must read essay of his I found at a Christian Ministry website known as Visionary Advancement Strategies at an InJesus Group. The essay presents the foundation as to why Christians should engage in politics because politics has removed the Biblical foundations that have made America strong.

Proceed to the essay:

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