Friday, August 24, 2007

Democrat From Washington State Supports Troop Surge

I grew up in the great Pacific Northwest, in Washington State in particular. I have always considered the beauty of Washington God’s gift to America; however I am a bit prejudiced with that notion by virtue of growing up there.

I made the mistake of moving to Oklahoma, it was only a mistake because I stayed. Oklahoma is actually closer to my political spectrum than the beauty of God’s Country – Washington.

You see great State is currently disposed to being Moonbat Liberal. This is sad for the Moonbats live mostly on the west side of the Cascades that partitions Washington and Oregon. The west side comprises roughly one/third of the State yet two/thirds of the population. Thus two/thirds of the land mass are usually shouted down by the one/third of the land mass politically.

Now why would I be burdening my readers of the place I consider home? I ran across an interesting piece of information from the Neo-Neocon Blog: Strongly anti-war Democratic Representative Brian Baird has is publicly saying to give the Troop Surge an opportunity to work.

I almost fell of my chair when I read a Washingtonian Moonbat had switched to support of the Surge!

JRH 8/24/07

Brian Baird comes out for giving the surge a chance
August 24th, 2007

Rep. Brian Baird, Democrat from Washington state, has written this extraordinary piece appearing in today’s Seattle Times.

Baird has been one of the more consistently anti-Iraq-War members of Congress. How do we know that? He voted against the invasion at the outset, and has been consistently and strongly critical of the decisions the Bush administration made in waging it.

That hasn’t changed, as you can tell by reading his column. No, Baird hasn’t become an apostate; he still thinks the war was a mistake.

Many of the antiwar Democrats have done some moderate backpedaling since it has become apparent that the surge might indeed be achieving some of its military goals. But Baird has gone further than most in actually pleading for the policy to be given more time; as he writes, “our troops have earned” it.
Why the change of mind? ... Read The Rest ...

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