Friday, August 10, 2007

Moderator Melt Down Follow-up

On August 4 I posted about the Moderator at a Kos Conference that not only snuffed an American Soldier’s comments on the Troop Surge, but also exploded with hostility toward the Soldier and demanded a Kos panelist to “stand down” that was going to respond to the Soldier. Then in a huff unceremoniously stated the Panel discussion was terminated and stomped off the stage. That is the memory jogger.

link to the video (that link must be fast forwarded to the 40 minute mark) I had only showed the Moderator – Jon Soltz – expressing his hostility to the Sergeant.

Courtesy of
Pajamas Media, a news reporter covers the end of the Panel discussion from the audience perspective. He captures Soltz’s rude anger and the voice of the Sergeant. The Pajamas Media reporter then attempts an interview with Soltz – that did not go so well. Then the reporter interviews the Sergeant and of course he was very forth coming. The Sergeant’s interview reveals that Soltz in a private room threatened to have the Sergeant dishonorably discharged for wearing his uniform at a political function. Apparently it is illegal to wear military uniforms at public forums except under certain guidelines.

You and I both know that Soltz – a former soldier currently involved with Leftist and – did not want to hear any positive information from an American Soldier the contradicted the Left Wing view of the Troop Surge.

Here is the Pajamas Media link to the Kos conference I described.

Here is a
YouTube video of a debate between Jon Soltz and MoveAmericaForward Chairman Melanie Morgan. After you watch this video you can understand why Soltz was hostile toward the Sergeant. Soltz contends that his is the primary organization in America representing veterans of the wars being fought by American Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan. That of course is hogwash and thus the origin of the hostility from an American Soldier confronting Soltz in a public forum at a Kos conference.

Melanie Morgan in the August 8 MoveAmericaForward e-newsletter says this about Jon Soltz:

Jon Soltz has become one of the leading anti-war spokespersons for the "surrender" movement that is trying to force our troops to declare "defeat" in Iraq and surrender the nation to al-Qaida.

He puts a "military" face on the surrender/defeat/retreat message of the anti-war movement, but make no mistake - he is actively working to undermine support for the missions of our troops at a time of war. His conduct is shameful, and we should all be aware of what we're up against. We need to be prepared to fight back here on the home front to ensure our troops that they have the support they need to finish their missions and achieve VICTORY.

Soltz is a classic Lefty claiming to represent the hearts and the minds of the American citizens and troops he purports to be the “leading voice” for ( Soltz’s claims are propaganda taking advantage of polls that ask skewed questions that provide a skewed answer. On the other side of the political spectrum there are organizations that lay to the same claim and are more legitimate because a significant amount of there funding is grass roots as opposed to Anti-American Leftist George Soros (the major billionaire donor to and MoveAmericaForward and VetsForFreedom represent the grassroots people that comprehend the threat of Islamism to Western Civilization.

Soltz is a representation of the Left that will do all it can to snuff the voice of the Right to prevent Americans from making informed decisions based on finding a middle ground. Leftists only want you to see the Left side of the field. Often times the Left side is sugar coated with utopian promises that cannot be kept because they are delusional or impossible. Think of that in November 2008.

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