Saturday, August 11, 2007

Foreign Governments Dictate Criminal Actions Toward Border Agents

Okay, this becoming ridiculous. Illegal immigration is one of the thorniest issues of American sovereignty next to the slipping in of Islamofascist terrorists through American borders.

The Mexican government must be incredibly corrupt and the American government (managed by the Bush Administration) incredibly moronic or worse seeking diplomatic favors in exchange for a corrupt Mexican government to protect Mexican nationals that enter America illegally to expedite drug running or gang activity or both.

This is coming to the forefront with the Mexican wishes to have
Ramos and Compean prosecuted – they were convicted because the Defense was not allowed to use known evidence and actual exculpatory was withheld.

The Chinese government is being afforded same courtesy of demanding Border Agents prosecuted for doing their job.
Robert Rhodes was acquitted in Court to the distaste of both the Chinese government and the American State Department.

Now I have ran into two stories from
WorldNetDaily: one the initial information of the beginning of proceeding to prosecute Nicholas Corbett for murder even though it was in the line of duty; the second story alleges the Mexican government is actively framing Nicholas Corbett for the charges the Mexican government wishes the American government to prosecute.

Why is the Bush Administration allowing foreign governments to prosecute American citizens working in an official capacity for the government to prevent illegal entry, drug smuggling, human trafficking and illegal arms trafficking? If the reason is to acquire some kind of diplomatic exchange of favors in foreign policy, then there are failures of the American government in its mandate protect American citizens. In the very essence of the matter the American government is ignoring or breaking domestic laws to accommodate foreign policy cabals. This is wrong for America if my speculation is correct.

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