Thursday, August 09, 2007

Have You Been Intimidated by an Islamist Lately?

Evidently a Mohammedan or a sick Mohammedan poser has been harassing a gal at her Yahoo 360 website. He has been leaving comments on her Website pertaining to the sexually perverted things he will perpetrate on her.

Put of this gal’s response was a heated post in which she is so upset she
walks down the road of profanity probably in the hope the Mohammedan will read it. I cannot justify her recourse however I can comprehend her frustration and anger.

Too the many that have visited
SlantRight or the “
Know Thyself Blog” on Yahoo 360, you know I may be portrayed as a somewhat of an Islamophobe. I pull no punches on what I believe Islamism (and the so-called Mohammedans that clandestinely support Islamist ideology) to be the hugest threat to the Modern Western World since Nazism and Communism. Some friends of this Yahoo 360 gal of correctly called on her to report his Yahoo 360 ID to Yahoo. This is very prudent advice.

Because of the disturbing harassment of the gal by a Mohammedan (or an alleged Mohammedan poser), I am embedding a couple of YouTube videos that should be wake-up calls of the threat of Islamists to America, to American troops and Western Culture in general.

I must warn the viewers of the YouTube videos (particularly the second one) have disturbing images that ARE NOT suitable to the weak stomach. The second YouTube video displays the gruesomeness of Islamist ideology that Western Liberals fear to complain about because of Political Correctness and the common whimpering of Islamophobic victimization by Mohammedans. DO NOT WATCH the second video if you do not want to be disturbed.



Anonymous said...

The West Better Wake Up!
And Wipe These Animals Off The Face

SlantRight 2.0 said...

This may sound strange coming from an anti-Islamist Islamophobe like me; however I do not believe wiping adherents to Mohammedanism off the earth is the answer. That makes us no better than them.

I do advocate an extreme show of force that may even result in the demise of civilians as it did in WWII. The more Mohammedans that hook up with Islamist theo/political ideology the more I think the West should begin warning destructions: 1. Kick the Mohammedans and the Waqf out of the Temple Mount. If the Mohammedans do not get the message as I expect they will not then; 2. Destroy Medina. If the message isn't clear then; 3. Destroy Mecca and Kaaba (or however the converted polytheistic temple is pronounced).

If one through three does not get the Mohammedan attention, then the awesome military power at the West's disposal should begin disarming unfriendly Mohammedan nations with extreme prejuidice and that includes the Wahabhi Saudis and psycho-Shi'ites in Iran.