Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Iran’s Revolutionary Guard to be Added to America’s Terrorist List

The publicity of Iran’s nuclear ambitions seem to fade in the American press as the November 2008 elections creep slowly nearer; yet the repercussions of a nuclear armed Iran is increasingly growing as a global threat. The global threat is NOT because America is in Iraq attempting to create a stable government. Nay good friends, the global threat is because Iran’s government is under a leadership that looks for global chaos due to the religious expectations of Radical Shi’ites belief that the Twelfth (Lost) Imam will be the Mahdi. These radical Shi’ites expect this Mahdi to make the Earth Mohammedan in its entirety.

All the politics of a U.S. occupation of Iraq is the propaganda that these
Shi’ite Twelvers revel in with this Mahdi expectation. (The Wahhabi Sunnis have their own reasons of American hatred that are similar yet very different.)

This radical Shi’ite mindset is why it is so globally dangerous for Iran to become a nation in possession of nuclear weapons. There would be no geo-political restraint of the old Cold War Mutually Assured Destruction (
MAD) theory preventing nuclear powers from engaging in a nuclear war. Iran would push the warhead launch buttons merely to enable chaos in a deluded realization of the Mahdi.

International diplomacy crawls at a snails pace. The Ayatollahs of Iran are using the political management of
Twelver disciple President Ahmadinejad to surge Iran into the possession of nuke WMD’s. Ahmadinejad has taken full advantage of Western style diplomacy to move their program along without interruption. The West talks while Iran walks toward the WMD dream.

Iran has successfully tied up America in Iraq and (to a lesser degree) in Afghanistan by being a weapons supplier and terrorist trainer. The vehicle Iran has utilized for tying the American military (essentially killing our military boys clandestinely) is the Revolutionary Guard. The Revolutionary Guard is essentially Iran’s extra-military force outside its regular Military that is at the trusted bidding of the Ayatollahs. The Revolutionary Guard has its origins in the lack of trust in a U.S. trained Iranian Military under the rule of deposed Shah, an extremely loyal ally of America dumped for his repression of Iranians by
screw-up President Carter. Thus Iran exchanged the repression of the Shah for the repression of the Khomeini Revolution. The exchange of repression for repression did not help the plight of Iranians and this is why Carter is a screw-up, especially in the realm of Middle Eastern diplomacy.

U.N. Sanctions have been highly ineffective in slowing down Iran’s nuclear process because Russia and China’s support of Iran. Russia’s distaste for America probably arises from jealously from taken down a notch by America’s overwhelming the former Communist Soviet Union. China’s support of Iran is due to a National Interest connection due to the obvious – oil.

The EU has attempted talks with Iran but that is part of the stall agenda of Ahmadinejad, in other words a failure.

America has ratcheted its own sanctions to a much higher degree than the U.N. on Iran yet having little effect on Iran’s nuclear expansion. President Bush has upped the ante on sanctions by preparing
to place the Revolutionary Guard on America’s Terrorist list. This will make it tougher for American Corporations or foreign Corporations that come under the jurisdiction of American law to deal with Iran. It will allow Iranian assets related to the Revolutionary Guards to be frozen as well.

Do I think this will slow down Iran’s nuclear program? Nope. However I do think it will annoy Iran that they may make a move that may expose publicly what Western governments already know clandestinely; viz. that Iran is way more dangerous to global peace than the official Appeasement line of the West is willing to admit to their constituent public or the Left dominated deluded pro-Arab and pro-oil-Iran loving media are willing to admit.

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