Sunday, August 12, 2007

ELCA Offers Validation to Homosexuality

The largest Lutheran Denomination in America has joined Episcopalians and the United Methodist Church in humanistic fashion decided that homosexuality is not a sin. The Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) has decided not to defrock Pastors that are open homosexuals.

The resolution vote was 538-431 at the ELCA annual meeting.

Fellow Christians we are talking about Protestant Churches that are considered mainstream global churches or at least American Churches. It is this lack of Biblical morality that is diluting the foundations of American society. America is slowly transforming under the influence of slanted Left thinking of Secular Humanism which is the larger movement of the homosexual activists.

Christians need to organize even in the face of ridicule and proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ that delivers from the darkness of moral ambiguity and translates a human spirit into the Light of Jesus Christ: Redeemed by the Resurrection of the Lord and transferred into the Kingdom of the Father’s dear Son.

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