Monday, August 13, 2007

Could New Paradigm Thinking on Secularization Affect the Secular Humanist Paradigm?

Here is an interesting study that probably drives same sex couples (homosexual sinners) nuts for the data suggests that morality decreases in societies in which normal nuclear families decrease. Yes I am writing of Godly morality. The study had little to do with a focus on homosexuality but rather on secularization.

Apparently the predominant theory is secularization advances a decrease in the belief of God and thus a secularization of morality meaning viewing morality in Secular Humanistic terms, i.e. moral relativity.

Moral relativity is the bedrock of the cultural acceptance of alternate lifestyles such as homosexuality that is in direct contradiction of Christian/Biblical morality.

Mary Eberstadt’s essay entitled “How the West Really Lost God” suggests that the traditional nuclear family tends to have a stronger belief system in the existence of God and thus a Deity influence on the lives of people. To me this suggests that the lack of Godly morality dilutes the values that make a culture strong. Value dilution affects other aspects of society such as birth rates and the strength of a homogenous cultural foundation.

Imagine if governments pull a big switch-up and begin to plug the value of God in the lives of their citizens. I am not suggesting the government legislate religion (in America anyway); however I am suggestion the government promote the values that come from religion. Currently the government particularly invokes restraint on the Christian religion in particular. Due to the slanted left Secular Humanist influence Christian values are overtly removed from public forums such as local governments and public schools. Nearly a half a century of this bombardment has eroded the strength of the nuclear family, more so in Europe than America yet still distinctly influencing America.

In Secular Humanism’s battle to decrease the permeation of Christianity in Western society multiculturalism is a weapon utilized to confuse the issue of cultural foundations of faith in the West. Judeo/Christianity and Greco/Roman philosophy is the religious/cultural foundation of the West. Secular Humanism’s insistence on placing Oriental and Mohammedan religions on an equal par in public education further dilutes the West’s nuclear family. Certainly a comparative aspect of all religions should be taught in public education to understand what is foreign but not to the exclusion or demonization of the West’s religious/cultural foundations.

It was lame to allow slanted left Secular Humanistic umbrella organizations to re-invent the non-Constitutional term “Separation of Church and State” as excluding the
Christian faith from public institutions beginning roughly with the 1960’s. America enjoyed nearly two hundred years of Judeo/Christian values as a public influence. I mean the Ten Commandments and Christmas Carols are values that were inculcated in the public domain as a natural order of thought even under American Constitutional Law until an atheist talked the Supreme Court to change the Constitution by fiat rather than by Amendment.

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