Friday, August 03, 2007

Re-Elect Senator Coleman in Minnesota

I don’t know much about Senator Norm Coleman. He has come to my attention via a Move America Forward e-newsletter. MAF is sending out a YouTube video with American soldiers that have and are fighting in Iraq thanking Senator Coleman for his support of the “mission.”

Coleman was a Democrat in Minnesota; a State that is a bastion for the Democrats via a sister fringe Left local third Party known as the Democratic-Farm-Labor Party. According to
Coleman’s campaign website he switched from Democrat to Republican in 1996 because

“…Norm became increasingly frustrated with a Democratic Party that he felt was moving away from Minnesota’s hardworking middle class roots and values. He joined the Republican Party, which shared his vision on holding down taxes, growing jobs, reforming education and increasing public safety.”

Here is the military campaign appreciation YouTube video:


Anonymous said...

I have decided NOT to vote for Norm Coleman because of the blatant dishonesty in his campaign ads. His campaign committee knew they were deceiving the Minnesota voters from the start. The end does not justify the means!

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Anonymous says he will not vote for Coleman because of his "blatant dishonesty."

Come on! Al Franken is one of the most dishonest Leftist manipulating liars in the Democratic Party. I mean making an issue of who donates cloths over issues of the economy, Conservative values VS secular humanistic anti-Christian values and support America's troops VS cut-n-run defeat.

Forget about the clothes man. Defeat the Leftist defeatists like Al Franken. If you are looking for dishonesty Franken paid back taxes to various States merely to be able to lie his way to a Senate seat.

Be aware of who is really dishonest.