Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Another Call for MAD Deterrent Against Terrorism

I personally have been an advocate for blowing up Mohammedan shrine cities or locations if Islamofascists successfully commit another act of terrorism on American soil. Yes, I know, it sounds so unchristian and medieval; nonetheless that is the nature of the enemy on the War on Terror.

About a month ago I posted an article from
Dr. Don Boys (International Director for Common Sense Today) in which he advocates a modified form of the old Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) deterrent against radical Islamists.

Those who call Dr. Boys and me a warmonger might point out that officially not one Mohammedan dominated nation officially advocates Terrorism, thus the Terrorist Organizations of the world operate independently of a national agenda. The reasoning being Mohammedans and Mohammedan nations cannot be held accountable for the actions of the minority representative Mohammedan terrorists.

The fact is clear is that the globe is fully aware that Mohammedan nations tolerate Terrorists on their sovereign land mostly by agreement with their ideology and some because of their weakness to enforce their sovereignty. The sovereign weakness in itself can be attributed to mightier Mohammedan nations that directly support Terrorist Organizations. In some cases the weak sovereign nations officially denounce terrorism but a majority of their populace is strongly behind the hated filled ideology of Islamofascism (Sunni and Shia).

To the above scenarios I say tough! If there were any honesty in promoting global peace via a democratic paradigm, Mohammedan nations would squelch the wickedness of Islamofascism. The truth is most of the Mohammedan Middle East actually teaches in their schools, madrassas, Mosques and media forms the same hate toward America, the West and Israel that Islamofascist act out. I do not buy the statistics that a majority of Mohammedans in the Middle East find the actions of Islamofascist Terrorist organizations as reprehensible. In the back of mind I still remember the television cameras panning Palestinian-Arab cities showing Mohammedan citizens pouring into the streets in jubilant celebration that 9/11 occurred in America.

Citizens of Saudi Arabia are responsible for distributing hate filled literature to Mosques and madrassas in America and Europe promoting the Wahhabi school of Mohammedanism. The very school of thought that al Qaeda and Saudi born Usama bin Laden perpetuate. The Muslim Brotherhood centered in Egypt is active in distributing their version of Mohammedan hated and medievalism globally as well. Hamas is a benefactor of the Muslim Brotherhood. Why has Egypt not shut down the Muslim Brotherhood? Because chaos would ensue in Egypt due the popularity among the Mohammedan citizens of Egypt. Shi’ite Hezbollah residing as an independent military/terrorist organization in Lebanon preaches their hate and acts of violence as sustained by the crazy Mullahs in Iran (via nearly puppet state Syria).

I am sure I have left some Islamist nuts out that reside in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Indonesia and so on. My point is that Mohammedans can and should be held accountable for not deterring the actions of the so-minority Islamofascists.

I hear from
Terrorist experts that it is inevitable that some kind of nuke or dirty bomb will be detonated in America. How should America respond to the deaths of her citizens in potential numbers that will make 9/11 appear to be a picnic in comparison? Maybe American politicians, bureaucrats and diplomats should sit on their hands and wag their mouths about how America needs to engage in greater dialogue, diplomacy and negotiation? BY GOD NO!

If a crude nuke is set off in America that will have proven those tactics DO NOT WORK WITH ISLAMOFASCIST TERRORISTS.

A modified
Mutually Assured Destruction plan might be effective, to wit: Voraciously publicize if crude nukes, dirty bombs or chemical weapons are unleashed in America; America will begin targeting Mohammedan Holy cities and Holy sites. This would be a MAD tit-for-tat warning that America would need to follow through.

Presidential candidate
Tom Tancredo has endorsed such a deterrent. It does not change my mind as to who I would like to win the Republican nomination; however taking such a politically incorrect stand is bold, courageous and raises his political credentials in my sight.

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