Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Mohammedanism and Evil

There is evil in this world. Philosophically evil may be perceived many different ways or to relatively not exist at all. Of course this is all bogus mindsets.

Evil can be known by the fruit it produces. Evil crosses theological concepts yet most theologies condemn the fruit of evil even when exacted by theological adherents.

The central theme of most of the world’s major religions is peace, tranquility and some kind of deliverance or escape from an evil world to a Heaven or union with God or the All.

Guess which religion promises a Paradise of worldly pleasures of selfish sex for the males that die exacting evil violence on combatants and innocents alike? Guess which religion promises Paradise for being in submission to its deity and prophet while simultaneously its adherents plunder innocent people and rape women?

You will not find this in the Scriptures of Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, and Hinduism or even in eclectic faiths as Baha’i. You will find this in the assumed holy scriptures of Mohammedanism.

Mohammedanism will call all who do not believe in Allah and its prophet Mohammed as evil and doomed to judgment. Mohammedanism will fabricate lies about Christianity and Judaism as the people of the Book and allow them to live only if they promise submission to Allah. The current goal of the majority of Middle Eastern Mohammedans is the death of monikers Great Satan (America) and the little Satan (Israel). Mohammedanism wiped the existence of Buddhism from Afghanistan and ancient India. Mohammedanism tortured and murdered polytheistic Hindus in genocidal numbers until it was decided for convenience sake to extend dhimmitude and the jizya tax on the Hindus to perpetuate empire.

What is evil? It is a group of people that practice a religion stuck in the Middle Ages time zone while the present is the 21st Century. What is evil are the Mohammedans residing in Western nations and yet subscribing to Wahhabi tenets that believe nothing in Mohammedan theology is valid after 1000 AD (by Christian reckoning).

What is ludicrous is judging Mohammedanism by Western values of Freedom and Liberty when those very principles are used to encourage Mohammedan supremacy
at the expense of Freedom and Liberty.


Anonymous said...

Look at the millions killed and tortured by the dozens of dictators the US supports, by US wars of aggression, and by US corporate exploitation.
If you want to see evil, look in the mirror hypocrite.

SlantRight 2.0 said...

Indeed many of those dictators are Mohammedan dictators and royal families (Saudi and Hashemite kingdoms). Saudi Arabia is the home of Wahhabi school within Sunni Mohammedanism. The Wahhabis are radical Islamists that have been supported by the royals in Saudi Arabia and many of the wealthy Arabs in that nation. Usama bin Laden is a Wahhabist.

America is no saint politically; however compared to Mohammedan empires of the past and Mohammedan nations and terrorists of the present, America is a Saint.

Look in your own mirror hypocrite.