Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Ford: Homosexual Support More Important than Employees or Dealers

I do not necessarily agree with everything that comes out of the AFA. On the issue of homosexuality I am a huge supporter. Homosexual rights organizations are well financed organizations that have the sole purpose of legitimatizing the promiscuous lifestyle of same sex individuals. Homosexuality is one of the most abhorrent sins a person can commit as related in the Holy Word of God. Secular Humanism has tried with great success to ram moral relativity down the throats of a malleable American public.

When Christian Churches or non-profit organizations place the truth to contradict the well financed homosexuals and Secular Humanists, the moral relativists shout loudly that Christianity is outdated (imagine God being outdated) or that Christians are homophobic racists. The reality is that Christians are homophobic moralists, upholding the faith of the Word of God.

So I say work hard Mr. Wildmon to educate the public on the reality of homosexuality and the corporations that support them.

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