Friday, September 22, 2006

The Big Money Is Behind Homosexual Agenda

The 2006 report from the Human Rights Campaign claims there are 138 major corporations that score 100% in accommodating homosexuals in corporate decision making processes.

That boggles my mind, however it does explain the success of homosexual rights organizations increasingly moving forward in their agenda to gain moral acceptance among the majority of Americans. The 138 corporations alone represent nearly 100's of BILLIONS of dollars backing the homosexual agenda. Those 138 scored 100% by the pro-homosexual Human Rights Campaign. That means there is a 90%, an 80%, a 70% and so on.

The big bucks of America are attempting to sway American/Christian morality into the relativity of Secular Humanistic morality.

Around the nation a significant majority of States have voted NOT to allow same sex marriages, defining marriage as between a man and a woman. Even liberal Oregon has gone the route of the anti-homosexual marriage proposals. The only support homosexuality has legally received is by Liberal Secular Humanistic judges who have attempted to impose homosexuality on the majority that recognizes the immorality of practicing homosexuality.

Homosexuality is not biology or race; it is a matter of choice. Constitutionally I support the homosexual's right of choice. We all live in America. Nonetheless as a Christian, I cannot support giving homosexuals a special treatment merely because of their beliefs. This is wrong to the rest of Americans.

The homosexual agenda and apparently now the big bucks of corporations, have underwritten subtle anti-Christian venom via the media (movies, TV and written word of the MSM). Since money speaks in America, how do Biblical Foundational Christians confront the media venom successfully?

The only way is by a huge word of mouth campaign among Bible Believing Congregations transcending denominational and independent lines. This right has been taken away in Europe and Canada as "hate speech." Pastors have gone to jail for educating their Congregations of Biblical morality VS homosexual immorality.

That is why Christians need to be as wise a serpent and innocent as a dove (Matthew 10: 16-20). Christians must also subtly influence politics with their word of mouth. The Liberal influenced government has made that difficult by creating the 20th century Constitutional myth of "separation of Church and State." This myth has begun to be carried into the 21st Century.

The Liberals have created laws that allow Courts and the IRS to disembowel Christian Churches and Ministries by taking away their support system - the 501 3c status of a non-profit organization. That status says that religious organizations cannot engage in political endorsements; however anti-Christians and anti-religionists are able to the same non-profit status to endorse moral relativity and Secular Humanistic agendas. This of course includes homosexuality as well as a number of other Liberal relativity choices.

Do not be as a Mohammedan and partake on a road of violence, rather Christians do not wrestle with flesh and blood but the spirits behind the flesh and blood. Aggressively pray and be ready in Christ to answer accusations and persecution you will receive for standing your ground.

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