Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Bush/Ahmadinejad U.N. Speeches

I am posting the U.N. speeches by President Bush and President Ahmadinejad at the website. I have heard from Fox News that President Chavez of Venezuela delivered a fiery "America's Empire" is doomed and el Diablo (the devil) Bush is responsible for the world's woes of terrorism.

I will get to Chavez's psycho speech later.

Where is the outcry for Ahmadinejad praying to his 12th hidden Imam in front of a multi-national and multi-religious United Nations?
""In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful. Praise be to God and peace be upon Prophet Mohammad and His Infallible Household and chosen disciples. O God, hasten the reappearance of the Imam of the times and grant to us victory and prosperity. Include us among his followers and martyrs."

He is basically telling the Western World that Mohammedanism will overcome the tolerance of various faiths and Western Liberty.

As far as the Western World is concerned, Ahmadinejad's speech was a load of crap calling on his allah to execute justice over occupying nations and that all humanity submit their will to allah and his prophet Big-Mo.

President Bush reminded the General Assembly of the U.N. that the organization was founded to maximize the human rights of all human beings. The implication being that Islamofascism and Mohammedan intolerance robs humanity of its dignity by using despotic force to nullify Liberty of thought and choice.

Bush pointed out that cruel and brutal governments in Afghanistan and Iraq have been replaced with governments learning the tools of democracy. Those Mohammedan democracies may not be up to Western code; however they are much better than the previous regimes and their neighbors.

Mohammedanism is evil.

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