Monday, July 02, 2007

The New American Fifth Column

Many of the people in America (say) under thirty years of age would have known the idea of what a Fifth Column is. Indeed, I speculate the younger side of the spectrum of the Baby Boomers may have only heard bits and pieces of a Fifth Column from their parents (in seriousness or mocking depending on their political demeanor).

So I am guessing a good chunk of my readers are thinking, “What is he blathering about – a Fifth Column?”

Here is the origin of the term “Fifth Column”

According to, a fifth column refers to any clandestine group or faction of subversive agents who attempt to undermine a nation's solidarity.

Who came up with the phrase, and what's with the columns? Emilio Mola Vidal, a Nationalist general during the Spanish Civil War (1936-39), originally coined the term. As four of his army columns moved on Madrid, the general referred to his militant supporters within the capital as his "fifth column," intent on undermining the loyalist government from within.

So the fifth column is a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defense lines or national borders.

Although it is fascinating to know who coined the term “Fifth Column” it is important to understand two words in this definition: “clandestine” and “subversive.”

Those two words are explained as “a group of secret sympathizers or supporters of an enemy that engage in espionage or sabotage within defensive lines or national borders.”

The Fifth Column group bent on transforming the USA in 1930’s through early 1960’s was American Communist Party members or Communist sympathizers. Communism from within America was a true Fifth Column threat that only really became neutralized in the early Sixty’s. This is where the political demeanor of your parents and grandparents come in.

As a side bar to what I am leading up to let me explain. The Administration of President FDR was infiltrated by Soviet Communists. High level Fifth Columnists were influential of the decisions of FDR, particularly as the “New Deal” progressed to end The Depression of the 1930’s in America. That highest place Soviet Agent was FDR’s personal Advisor Harry Hopkins.

Thus by the end of WWII there were a number of Soviet American sympathizers that the Secular Humanism of a Communist Utopia would solve global poverty and the inequalities of a Class society. These sympathizers had no idea that Stalin was murdering millions more than Hitler simply to maintain his personal Utopia of personal power.

Well anyway then came Senator Joseph McCarthy of Wisconsin. He began a campaign to root out Communists from the government. McCarthy’s goals were worth but his means became more and more dubious. McCarthy began to intrude into Freedom of thought and choice of people who were not even part of the government. The classic example is the 1940’s Black List of Hollywood. Hollywood actors and actresses that had even a whiff of Communist sympathy (even if it was a college fling) became Black Listed from working. Thus Charlie Chaplin (one of the world’s greatest comedic actors and a Communist sympathizer) left America and finished his days in Switzerland.

The term McCarthyism became synonymous for a political witch hunt syndrome. Thus McCarthy became discredited in his day. If only McCarthy had used professional investigative methods to disclose actual subversives, he might have gone down in history as a hero. McCarthy died a broken man alcoholic man as the man that “cried wolf” too often. Ironically even today many American history books will portray Harry Hopkins as the architect of the New Deal associated with FDR to get America out of the Depression, painting Hopkins as an American hero.

Communism was an actual Fifth Column working to transform America from a Capitalist land of freedom to a Communist land State monitored despotism.

Is there a Fifth Column in America today? YES!

America’s new Fifth Column threat is Radical Islam.

In mid-June David Gaubatz published a report in that there were 400 to 500 mosques in America promoting Islamist ideology (meaning death to America and the instituting of Sharia Law at any cost). These Islamofascists have convinced Leftists that in America there is freedom of religion and thus it would be Unconstitutional (ergo politically incorrect) to go after these Mosques and organizations for Conspiracy to subvert the American Government and the peace of non-Muslim (kafir) American, i.e. mostly Christians and those that stand by the Bill of Rights.

Even now Britain is experiencing the errors of accommodating their huge Mohammedan population as they are experiencing multiple al Qaeda terrorist attacks. This experience of the multiplicity of attacks is due to come to America with the huge amount of radical Islamists that get their marching orders from Wahhabists in Saudi Arabia and Islamofascist terrorist organizations like Hamas, al Qaeda and Hezbollah.

Friends this is America’s new Fifth Column. America definitely needs to change its paradigm to force this Fifth Column to disengage its potential threat to the Land of Free and Home of the Brave. Appeasement is not part of paradigm. Political Correctness is not part of that paradigm. The Left will have to choose between egalitarian Liberty and American Liberty.

Egalitarian Liberty is the problem that Europe has gotten itself hooked into; i.e. humanity is basically good and deserving of equality even if it hurts the security and freedom of others. American Liberty is a privilege that has been earned by standing up against foreign aggression including all the reasons that led to the Declaration of Independence and the Revolutionary War.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. (Declaration of Independence – Excerpt)

Islamofascists, listen up! America does not want to be enslaved to Mohammedan Sharia Law in which an Allah does not view all men are created equal. Most Americans still uphold their Christian traditions and do not want to be told how believe at the penalty of death (by beheading or stoning). Americans desire Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and to have a government that exists as the result of the people’s consent not a fatwa from a deranged medieval Theo-political Mullah.

Read some detail of the Islamist Fifth Column from David Gaubatz writing in


Private undercover team exposes nationwide network of radical, anti-U.S. Islamic centers

Issue Date: - June 12-18, 2007
Posted On: 6/12/2007

Hundreds of Islamic centers in the United States have become a hot-bed of extremist activity; they promote violence, terrorism and hatred against America.

“Our initial investigation has concluded there are between 400 to 500 radical Islamic centers in the U.S.,” said David Gaubatz, the director of counterintelligence and counterterrorism for the Society of Americans for National Existence. “In those places, they preach an extreme version of Islam that says America and the West is the enemy. They espouse violence, hatred and the need for terrorism.”

Gaubatz is a former senior U.S. intelligence official, who now works for the Mapping Shari’a in America Project (, which is supported by SANE, a national non-profit group devoted to investigating the 2,300 Islamic centers in the U.S. for extremist activity.

Gaubatz and his investigators are currently active and will soon form a team of about 12. They pose as people interested in converting to Islam or who are current Muslims. Their goal is to infiltrate mosques and Muslim centers. Recently, he and his team penetrated the Dar Al-Hijrah Islamic Center, located in Falls Church, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, D.C.

Sporting a beard and Muslim dress, Gaubatz said he went on May 18 to the center, pretending to be an American interested in becoming a convert to Islam. He discovered the center espoused terrorism and jihad against America.

“They are teaching what they call Jihad Qital, which means physical jihad,” Gaubatz said. “They’re teaching violence and hatred of the United States.”

Gaubatz said that he met the two primary clerics at Dar Al-Hijrah, Imam Shaker Elsayed and Imam Johari Abdulmalik. Both men have been trained in Saudi Arabia. He says another key individual is Yusef Estes, an informal senior leader at the center and an internationally influential Muslim scholar who was trained in Saudi Arabia.

“They put me through the process of learning their faith and ideology,” Gaubatz said. “They felt close to me and they gave me literature and CDs. They told me to study. The literature is very Jihad Qital.”

He said that the Islamic center has deep ties to Saudi Arabia and espouses Wahhabism, a virulent and puritanical version of Islam.

“Many members of the mosque provided me literature to study. Most of the literature they gave me was from Saudi Arabia,” he said. “Their literature preaches that America and the West are decadent and evil, and that Muslims have a moral duty to engage in violence against the infidels.”

Gaubatz says that Dar Al-Hijrah and other radical Islamic centers in the U.S. are funded by Saudi Arabia, which is the primary sponsor of the Wahhabist brand of Islam.

“The ultimate goal for those at Dar Al-Hijrah is to instill Sharia law in the U.S. and have America adhere to the Islamic faith,” he said. “They want America to be an Islamic state.”

Gaubatz said that the imams at the center encouraged him to read the works of their “friends”—some of whom have been convicted for terrorism-related activities. According to Gaubatz, one of those “friends” he was encouraged to read is Ali Al-Tamimi, a radical Islamist author, who was convicted of inciting terrorism in connection with the Virginia Jihad Network.

Al-Tamimi was born and raised in the U.S., and then as a teenager went to Saudi Arabia to study Islam. He lectured often at the Center for Islamic Information and Education in Falls Church, Virginia. He was a founding member of the center, which is also known as Dar al-Arqam.

The Virginia Jihad Network was a group of radical Islamists who were charged with engaging in terrorist plots. Nine members of the group were convicted of using and possessing various weapons, rocket-propelled grenades and explosives.

Al-Tamimi was later convicted of being the spiritual leader of the group and of having encouraged them to wage Jihad on the U.S.

Gaubatz maintains that he and his team of field workers at the Mapping Shari’a in America Project are not only focusing on major metropolitan areas. Although there is plenty of Islamist activity in cities such as Detroit, Dearborn, Michigan and Washington, he says radical Muslims are also establishing education and religious centers in small towns.

“They’re branching out and teaching the Jihadist ideology in small towns across America, especially in rural areas in places like Virginia, North Carolina and South Carolina,” Gaubatz said.

He says that a terrorist atrocity on U.S. soil similar to what happened on 9/11 is inevitable unless Americans take decisive measures.

“If we let our guard down, another 9/11—maybe even something worse—is going to happen again,” he said. “We need to be proactive rather than reactive.”

Gaubatz says that his investigative team is composed of individuals of various faiths, whose goal is to protect the American homeland from Islamic extremism.

“We have a team consisting of Christians, Jews and Muslims—there are several Muslims, in fact, on our team—who go undercover and try to penetrate radical mosques in this country,” he said. “This is not about being anti-Muslim. It is about being anti-extremism, anti-Jihadism and anti-terrorism.

“Our mission is to get at the truth—to find out the truth about what’s really going on in our country.”

Copyright © 2007 News World Communications

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