I am certain that if you are a television news watcher you have heard the reports that a terrorist attack is imminent on the American soil. Many have criticized Homeland Security Secretary Chertoff for his “gut feeling” speech that an attack will soon transpire. The joke is the Leftist media raked Chertoff for the phrase then agreed with the Chertoff assessment.
National Intelligence Estimates (NIE) has declassified some “judgments” on a document relating to whom (i.e. the terrorists) and to the shortness of time possible for an attack. The NIE is an agency that links the “16” Intelligence agencies in America.
The NIE judgments are in a report by CBN News and Terrorist expert Erick Stakelbeck:
JRH 7/17/07
Report: Al-Qaeda Attack on U.S. Soil Likely
July 17, 2007
CBNNews.com - Al-Qaeda will likely mount an attack on U.S. soil, according to a new National Intelligence Estimate on threats to the American homeland.
The declassified report lays out a range of dangers - from al-Qaeda to Lebanese Hezbollah to non-Muslim radical groups - that pose a "persistent and evolving threat" to the country over the next three years.
However, the findings focus most of their attention on Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda network.
The report makes clear that al-Qaeda in Iraq, which has not yet posed a direct threat to U.S. soil, could become a problem here.
"Of note," the analysts said, "we assess that al-Qaeda will probably seek to leverage the contacts and capabilities of al-Qaeda in Iraq -- AQI --, its most visible and capable affiliate and the only one known to have expressed a desire to attack the homeland."
National Intelligence Estimates are the most foremost written judgments of the 16 spy agencies across the breadth of the U.S. government.
These agencies reflect the consensus, long-term thinking of top intelligence analysts. Portions of the documents are occasionally declassified for public release.
Among the report's findings:
-Al-Qaeda is likely to continue to focus on high-profile political, economic and infrastructure targets to cause mass casualties, visually dramatic destruction, economic aftershocks and fear.
"The group is proficient with conventional small arms and improvised explosive devices and is innovative in creating new capabilities and overcoming security obstacles."
-The group has been able to restore key elements it would need to launch an attack on U.S. soil: a safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas, operational lieutenants and senior leaders.
-The group will continue to seek weapons of mass destruction - chemical, biological or nuclear material - and "would not hesitate to use them."
-Lebanese Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim extremist group that has conducted anti-American attacks overseas, may be more likely to consider attacking here, especially if it believes the United States is directly threatening the group or its main sponsor, Iran.
-Non-Muslim terrorist groups probably will attack here in the next several years, although on a smaller scale. The judgments don't name any specific groups, but the FBI often warns of violent environmental groups, such as Earth Liberation Front, and others.
Source: The Associated Press
New Attacks on the U.S. Inevitable?
Erick Stakelbeck
July 17, 2007
Stakelbeck on Terror
Well, Staks is back. Tanned, rested and chock full of disturbing new terrorism-related info that makes my recent vacation seem like a distant memory. The just released National Intelligence Estimate (read the entire document here) states that Al-Qaeda will likely mount an attack on U.S. soil. When, exactly, is anyone's guess, although some believe the recent spate of Al-Qaeda videotapes could be the precursor to an attack. Here are some additional findings from the N.I.E. report--which represents the opinions of America's top 16 spy agencies, incuding the CIA and FBI:
-Al-Qaeda is likely to continue to focus on high-profile political, economic and infrastructure targets to cause mass casualties, visually dramatic destruction, economic aftershocks and fear. "The group is proficient with conventional small arms and improvised explosive devices and is innovative in creating new capabilities and overcoming security obstacles."
-The group has been able to restore key elements it would need to launch an attack on U.S. soil: a safe haven in Pakistan's tribal areas, operational lieutenants and senior leaders.
-The group will continue to seek weapons of mass destruction - chemical, biological or nuclear material - and "would not hesitate to use them."
-Lebanese Hezbollah, a Shiite Muslim extremist group that has conducted anti-American attacks overseas, may be more likely to consider attacking here, especially if it believes the United States is directly threatening the group or its main sponsor, Iran.
Along these lines, here are two items of note. First, ABC's Blotter is reporting that the F.B.I. is investigating an alleged smuggling ring that is transporting Iraqis and other Middle Easterners over the Mexican border and into the U.S. (hey, maybe they can help draft a spankin' new immigration reform bill!). Secondly, two Muslim women in Dallas were recently arrested after a standoff with local police. Explosives were found in their house, and they had reportedly conducted surveillance of sites around Dallas in previous months. I think I need another vacation.
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2007
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