Republicans in the Senate are abandoning President Bush on the issue of not set a time table for withdrawing (Politically Correct term: redeployment) American troops from Iraq.
Such a strategy would be just as disastrous as bad strategy for post Iraq invasion goals. Unilaterally withdrawing American troops without a strategy to protect American National Interests could cause a chaos that might lead to the inevitable re-entry of American Troops in the Middle East in under less than auspicious conditions.
Bush screwed up in implementing a proper strategy; a Democratic Party forced withdrawal from Iraq is a perpetuation of Bush’s bad strategy. Middle Eastern chaos will result that will threaten the globe’s meaningful management of oil supply and demand. After the following blame game America and another coalition of the willing to secure oil from the control of lunatic Islamofascists.
Typically to when Republicans were the majority in the Senate, there are the few RINO’s that are undermining the success of the Troop Surge. Democrats and renegade Republicans should await General Patraeus’ report on the Surge in Mid-September.
The Democrats are probably fearful of Patraeus’ success and the renegade Republicans are fearful of Democratic propaganda in their states.
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