I was reading an article by John Hawkins posted at Right Wing News. The article was entitled, “General Patraeus Must be Destroyed.”
Now I have to tell you that struck me as a strange title coming from a Website called Right Wing News. And that was probably the purpose: to get my attention.
The reason Hawkins wrote article is because General Patraeus granted an interview to Hugh Hewitt -–a sort of a right winger. Evidently Hewitt wrote his article about the interview about the Lefties already attacking the integrity of General Patraeus. Hawkins’ point being Patraeus had better begin solid preparation because he is due to appear before the Senate to present a high profile report on the effectiveness of the Troop Surge to date.
Since the Democrats and the Left view the road to attain power is destroying the War credibility and thus the ability to enforce a Slanted Left agenda in America by losing the War on Terror. It becomes incumbent to assassinate the character of General Patraeus. The forefront of this effort will be the Mainstream Media (MSM), the darlings of the Democratic Party due to a mutual hatred not only of a Bush Agenda to promote American National Interests but of the Christian Right Conservatives largely responsible for two Bush elections.
Patraeus needs to especially prepare an awesome indisputable report due to the growing unpopularity of President Bush even among his constituent Conservative Republicans. Without supreme results to report to counter the gloom of the MSM, the Democrats controlling both Houses of Congress will declare Victory unattainable ergo America has lost the War on Terror in Iraq. A Democratic announcement of losing in Iraq will certainly lead to declaring a loss in Afghanistan. If a Democratic Party nominee is elected to the Presidency in 2008 (God forbid), a Taliban/al-Qaeda victory will be declared in Afghanistan. If that happens look to the rapid disintegration of not only Afghanistan, but also nuclear armed Pakistan as Musharraf will submerged in the pathetic victory frenzy of Islamofascists.
Everybody knows that Iran will make a move on Shi’ite aligned Iraq and Turkey will make a move on the Kurd controlled portion of Iraq due to their unreasonable hatred of allowing a Kurdistan State to emerge.
Side Bar: Isn’t it interesting most of the unrest in the Middle East from the Mohammedan view is because a Jewish sliver of land has National Sovereignty while a group of Arabs that did not even become known as Palestinians until the 1960’s wished also to have a Sovereign National State. (The original U.N. plan was to have Transjordan [now Jordan] be the home of an Arab State and Jews in a microscopic portion of land to have their own National State.) Instead the Arab Mohammedans which attacked Israel (Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Egypt, Syria and other lesser Arab States) had lost. Before Israel against the Arab Mohammedan world war began, Arabs residing in the Israel portion of the U.N. partition fled believing that their Arab brothers were about to execute a Jewish blood bath. After the blood bath these Arabs thought they would return. As History shows the Arab Mohammedan world LOST against a sliver of Jews determined to have their own National Homeland.
Now here is the point: Mohammedan (or variations thereof) Kurds are also a Stateless people that have been persecuted by Turks, Arabs and Iranian/Persians for years. What will be the excuse for denying the emergence of a State called Kurdistan? End of Side Bar.
If a Democratic Party controlled Congress forces a
Another element is Russia, China and India.
Russia cannot stand for American power to be so close to their regional hegemonic order. Russia will do all it can to perpetuate Mohammedan chaos.
China is a growing economy with a huge emerging global influence. Oil may be seen as the key to cement a Chinese Superpower in the world. China is wary of American hegemonic power yet America’s economy may aid China to its economic goals market wise. On the other hand if China perceives America wanting to control the global markets, they out of necessary National Interests will side with Russia in destabilizing the Middle East.
Ever since India gained independence from the British Raj in 1948, they have been cozy with the old Soviets and somewhat the new Russians. Yet India’s greatest enemy is nuclear armed Pakistan. India and Pakistan was once one region that was divided by Muslim and Hindi majorities (Bangladesh was once East Pakistan part of the Pakistani government). Ever since that 1948 split India and Pakistan have warred and battled over disputed lands that both claim. India has been flirting with both Russia and America probably trying to feel which nation will best serve India’s National Interests. I guarantee you that India will not stand idly if Musharraf falls and Pakistan falls into the hands of psycho-Islamofascists. India has a history of Muslims maiming, torturing and murdering Hindus that did not convert to Mohammedanism.
Americans need to know and be aware that American influence and a presence in the Middle East will stave off a worse chaos than does exist in the present. If only Democrats and Republicans/Liberals and Conservatives could catch the vision that a new paradigm needs to exist in confronting this minority Islamist movement. Remember America’s Revolutionary War was only actively supported by a third of the colonists. Another third of the colonists were staunch British supporters considering themselves British citizens in the Thirteen Colonies. Then there was the third that just wanted to live life, that third experienced Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness via the sweat and blood of the active Revolutionaries.
Do not think for a minute that in the back of the mind of a so-called Moderate Mohammedan in the Middle East there is a yearning for a successful Islamist revolution that will restore honor, prestige and glory that was experienced in the yesteryear by the initiation of a man called the prophet Mohammed.
The American Slanted Left has an agenda and vision as well. Do not think for one minute (again) the Slanted Left are a bunch of overt traitors. The Slanted Left love America as much as the Slanted Right. America’s problem is a polarized vision.
The Slanted Left wish a society more in line with the European mind-set of egalitarian democracy that leans toward a government managed social utopia.
The Slanted Right in America wish a society founded on the principles of the Founding Fathers underlined with a morality that finds its foundation in Judeo-Christianity.
Actually both agendas are utopian in nature. And both agendas are willing to be vicious to find their goal - a sort of Machiavellian the means support the ends. The Christian Right feels that if the Slanted Left operates unhindered morality will devolve into egalitarian hedonism and Sodom and Gomorrah sin. That slant is horrific to a Bible believing Christian. There are so-called “progressive” Christians that pick and choose Biblical Scriptures to fit Secular Humanism - that is hypocrisy. Progressive Christians should stand up and say we do not believe in the man/God Christ but in a Christian diluted philosophy that leads to the Secular Humanistic Gospel of Inclusion.
The Slanted Left will lie to accomplish there agenda of American transformation. The inclusion in that lying is that the War on Terror is bogus which will include a smear campaign on General Patraeus before his September Report on the progress of the Troop Surge.
Prepare Patraeus, prepare!
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