Since Robert Novak was highly involved in Plamegate and the prosecutorial abuse case against I. Scooter Libby, I am going to post an excerpt form the email list of Evans-Novak Political Report sent out on July fifth. The excerpt deals with Libby’s Sentence Commutation and the responses from Democrats and Republicans.
Personally I was in the boat that President Bush should provide a FULL PARDON to Libby but I have since rethought that position. I was just so outraged that Fitzgerald would pursue such a minor indictment based on memory equated as perjury when Fitzgerald’s commission as Special Prosecutor was to nail those involved in outing Valerie Plame as an undercover CIA agent. At best Plame managed a pencil pushing network, maybe someone at Office Max had his identity exposed as a result of outing Plame – I don’t know.
Currently I am of the opinion that Libby will utilize the system to expose Fitzgerald as the vindictive creepy Prosecutor that he is. I am confident Libby will win on Appeals even if it goes to the Supreme Court.
Read Robert Novak’s thoughts.
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