Evidently Putin of Russia still thinks the nation has cajones. Putin is suspending an arms control treaty signed back in Soviet days in 1990 and amended in 1999 to reflect the current political scene of the Russian Federation minus much of former Republics of the Communist Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
Obviously Eastern Europeans formerly controlled as client States under the domination of the former USSR are a bit nervous of Russian re-assertion as a regional hegemon. Thus Eastern Europe’s mistrust has bought into a missile shield publicly designed to ward off missiles from rogue nations such as Iran. (Incidentally, was it not Russia that provided those missiles to Iran? Or from China? Or from North Korea? Or some sort of amalgam covert arms scheme from all three? Hmmm …?)
Clearly America is not an aggressor like Adolf or Napoleon. I doubt the relatively recently freed East European nations have the chutzpah to aggressively first strike an attack on Russia. So why would Russia protest so much about a defensive missile umbrella?
Could it be Putin’s Russia has designs to regain its empire after a chaotic geopolitical event takes place in the Middle East? Again I say, “Hmmm …”
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