Tuesday, July 10, 2007


Let’s talk about Richard Viguerie.

Viguerie is the most paleoist (did I create a new word?) of paleoconservatives. His record as paleocon does not necessarily mean he is a committed Republican. He tends to vote Republican merely of his commitment to being an anti-Leftist and anti-Democratic Party man.

He considers himself in the mold of Barry Goldwater. Viguerie aided Reagan to become President by then innovative “Direct Mail” mail format. Direct Mail was the media combat tool before the rise of the Internet and Blogging.

Although Viguerie was a major player in the Reagan election, he often criticized President Reagan (my Presidential hero of my lifetime to date).

Viguerie has run for political office utilizing Third Party affiliations. Including one founded by deceased Dixiecrat George Wallace: the conservative Democrat from Alabama that overtly stood against the Civil Rights movement extending equal liberty to Black Americans that White Americans enjoyed.

Viguerie has been closely associated with Rev. Sun Myung Moon and Moon’s Unification Church. The
Unification Church is a cult founded by Moon that utilizes portions of Christian tenets and mind control to manipulate his adherents. If you are a Seventies child like I was you might remember the “Moonies”. These were young people that sold flowers on the street corner (a practice also used by the Hare Krishna’s) for a donation or looking for a recruit. These Moonie youth gave their income to the Unification Church and their lives were managed by task masters and all were indoctrinated in the Moonie way. Part of that Moonie way is to consider Sun Myung Moon a divine like Messianic figure. The Unification Church is also the owner of the conservative Washington Times of Washington, DC. (I have to admit even I utilize the Washington Times as a source due to their favorable Conservative editorial content.)

I mention the Moon connection for Viguerie because the Unification Church is not the friend of the Christian Right. The Christian Right is the current foundation (for better or worse – depending on your Conservative view) of the Republican Party. Viguerie is so close to Moon that the Unification Church bailed Viguerie out of financial troubles he was experiencing in the mid-1980’s.

I believe Viguerie’s connection to Moon arose to a mutual hatred of Soviet Communism more than religious affiliation, nonetheless there is a bit of hypocrisy on his part when Viguerie criticizes other Conservative Republicans. Viguerie’s critical venom is especially reserved for neocons. Criticizing neocons is in vogue currently because of the unpopularity of the Iraq War. It was neocon adherents that called for Saddam’s removal. I myself am not a “root for the winner” kind of guy; I still think neocon ideas are very valid for America today. (Many enemies of neocons see the undefined group as promoters for American Empire. They are wrong, neocons favor American preeminence globally thus when the National Interests of other nations are counter to American National Interests; neocons favor aggressive confrontation or action to protect American National Interests.)

Now I say all this because Viguerie is highly critical of a man that I think has a great opportunity to connect with American voters due to his charisma. That man is not as perfect as some Conservatives view him, nonetheless he stands for more Conservative values than the other Republicans that are current front winners to win the Republican nomination other than maybe Newt Gingrich (who has his own skeletons). That man is Fred Thompson.

To see what I mean read
Viguerie’s criticism of Thompson’s credentials with everything in mind that I have written about Viguerie. In Viguerie’s essay, “Conservatives, Beware of Fred Thompson;” he castigates Fred Thompson on everything Conservative. Then Viguerie places into question Thompson’s work ethic. As I said Reagan is one of the greatest American Presidents that ever lived. Reagan is one of the primary people if not the premier person responsible for the down fall of Soviet Communism. And guess what. Reagan’s work ethic was constantly called into question because he managed his Administration by delegation then considering all information then making the big decisions.

Was President Reagan lazy? I think not. Reagan restored America’s National Honor in a time in which Democrats (i.e. Carter) effectively destroyed self-esteem.

Friends America is again at a period of time in which Americans are unsure of their self-esteem. Americans are again questioned about its direction by its twentieth century post WWII friends. America needs a charismatic person to continue the Conservative agenda while simultaneously reestablishing American dignity abroad and American confidence at home. Does anyone remember the Leftist fear mongering tactic by the Democrats concerning Reagan? Reagan was portrayed as the Red (Communist) hating Conservative that would push THE BUTTON to launch the globe into a nuclear war with then perceived nuclear super power Soviet Union. Did it happen? No. What did happen is that Reagan buried the Soviets with our resources and know-how to build more and superior weapons systems that the Soviets could not afford to keep up with. Basically Communism in the USSR was defeated by with out a shot fired by demonstrating America could build a huge and insurmountable stick. Unable to keep up, the USSR was forced into reforms that led to its demise.

The new threat to global peace and American National Interests is radical Islam and the nations that allow Islamist ideology to be the spokesperson for Mohammedanism. Appeasement and worry about oil will not end that threat. I think Thompson is the man to recalibrate American thinking Reagan style.

I think Fred Thompson is that man.

Viguerie Sources:
Wikipedia and Media Transparency.

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