I am a virulent anti-1592 Christian. I write even in the midst of the many critics that proclaim loudly that H.R. 1592 says nothing about free speech issues making it a hate crime to preach against homosexuality.
Indeed a superficial reading of the bill might agree with that leftist proclamation. What H.R. 1592 is specifically designed for is criminalize as a hate crime violence or incitement to violence that includes deviant (as defined by Biblical Morality) gender benders and homosexuals.
I have maintained that if H.R. 1592 (and its Senate version S. 1105) became law, homosexual activists can cry incitement to violence by a Preacher or Evangelist merely using as text Biblical passages that define homosexuality as immoral.
Of course that might not fly in more Conservative States, but it might in Leftist oriented States. Once a prosecution of such a hate crime is successful it becomes a precedent in America’s legal system. That will lead to greater specificity of defining Biblical Morality as a hate crime.
This escalation of Christophobia is nearly etched in stone rule of law in Europe. Dale Hurd reporting on a CBN.com blog publicizes that a Belgian Catholic Bishop stands accused of Hate Crime for describing homosexuals as “abnormal” people. Of course the Bishop is merely agreeing with the Bible.
SlantRight history of H.R. 1592 Posts:
1. A Thought Crimes Act
2. 'Hate Crime' Legislation Sends Grandmas to Jail
3. H.R. 1592 and the Continued Attack on Christianity
4. Freedom of Choice Act
5. What Follows H.R. 1592? H.R. 2015
6. Message to pastors and other Christians: Just keep your mouth shut
7. Hate Crimes Prevention Act: Snopes.com Debunking
8. AFA VS Snopes.com
9. AFA VS Snopes.com Round 2
Belgian Bishop Charged for “Homophobia”
Dale Hurd
July 3, 2007
Hurd on the Web
The Brussels Journal is reporting that…
Belgian homosexual activists have brought charges against Mgr André-Mutien Léonard, the Roman-Catholic bishop of Namur, for homophobia, a criminal offence in Belgium according to the country’s 2003 Anti-Discrimination Act. In an interview last April in the Walloon weekly Télé Moustique, the bishop is said to have described homosexuals as “abnormal” people. According to Michel Graindorge, the activists’ lawyer, the bishop intended to “stigmatize” homosexuals, whose “identity and dignity is debased from the moment that the bishop considers them to be abnormal.”
This of course is very similar to the case of the Swedish Pentecostal Pastor Äke Green, whose prison sentence for “hate speech” was overturned by a Swedish appeals court in 2005. I interviewed Pastor Green in 2004 and my story is here. Pastor Green was convicted for simply preaching a biblical sermon on homosexuality.
The laws are already in place in most western European countries to make preaching or speaking out against homosexuality a ticket to jail.
H.R. 1592 will Lead to Criminalizing Christianity
John R. Houk
© July 6, 2007
Belgian Bishop Charged for “Homophobia”
The Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. © 2007
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