There is mounting evidence that Iraqi WMD did indeed exist. The sources of this evidence are government leaks, people that did free lance work for the government and Iraqi sources themselves.
It is astonishing the Mainstream Media (MSM) does not begin reporting on this. I know the MSM hates the Bush Administration profoundly, yet at this moment exposing an Iraqi WMD existence would greatly embarrass the Bush Administration due to an acquiescence of a mistake made by using WMD as an excuse to invade Iraq.
Maybe the MSM of the embarrassment they would be exposed to for reporting an actual existence of WMD. The MSM has hit the President so hard with “Bush lied, people died” maxim that a reversal would expose the MSM to their own duplicity.
Then there is the Bush Administration itself. Certainly the Intelligence powers that be are wholly aware by now of the existence of Iraqi WMD. Reports that have had the potential to be in the public domain have conspicuously been lost, Iraqi government documents not in the public domain are not being released to the public and taped conversations of Saddam Hussein’s Cabinet meetings (which have been leaked saying numerous meetings were about WMD) are also being withheld from the public.
This screams cover-up by the Bush Administration!
Why would the very thing that would make President Bush an American hero by vindication be the thing that his Administration is covering up? It does not make sense to me. So it is time to do that which is the realm of Conspiracy Theory - speculation.
So let us speculate.
Could the Administration wish to cover geopolitical back door information that could lead to a quicker global war; e.g. Russia, Germany and France aiding Iraq in the development of nuke WMD technology. Boy would cause a global division that could explode like a fire cracker.
Or here is a worse scenario that could be added to or independent of the Russia, France and Germany troika. Perhaps the Chemical WMD Iraq obviously possessed even after the first Gulf War might have been supplied or left over from technology taught to Iraq by America in its war with Iran. At the time as now, American/Iran relations were extremely belligerent. Even though (or because of) Saddam was a psycho, it was cheaper to finance a client to punish Iran than using American blood. Incidentally this is the very reason Islamofascist terrorists believe they will win the War on Terror, their belief is America is squeamish on long term military engagements that kills American soldiers. How would it look in America’s developing a coalition of the willing when America was a central character involved developing Saddam’s Chemical WMD arsenal?
All this speculation transcends Republican Party Presidents and Democratic Party Presidents. Thus even though the cover-up (which is alleged) it is occurring on Bush’s watch; however both political Parties would have an interest in the cover-up. Nonetheless there is still the reality of the huge polarizing political differences between Republicans and Democrats. That tells me those advising or executing the cover-up are career diplomats (the State Department) and the career Intelligence Community (e.g. the CIA but there are numerous Intelligence Spooks that could be involved).
Now after my exploratory path that hikes toward Conspiracy Theory you need to read Rachel Neuwirth’s American Thinker essay entitled, “Don't Be So Sure There Were No WMD in Iraq.” Neuwirth explores the Iraq WMD mystery and is a must READ.
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